Embassy Request: Govenment


Hi all, not being in the job too long, I thought it best to check with the rest of the cabinet on this.

The region, Govenment, have contacted me regarding and entering diplomatic relations. Have spoken to their ambassador, and looked around thier forums (here? requires registration, so I'm happy to get any info off of their for anyone), I would have no problem with providing them a consulate, and working towards an embassy.

Heres the summary of their region Saj provided me with:

Government is a democratic region that is just a little less then 4 months old. We have very active nations that take part in different aspects of the game. Since our creation as a region, we have stayed mostly to ourselves, only in the last few weeks have we started to branch out with foreign affairs.

We have some regions that are colonies to government that serve as extensions of our laws and army who share our offsite forum. Our army is mostly a defender army which has taken part in various missions over the last few months.

Overall, we are pretty laid back and here to have fun in nationstates!!

If no one has any objections or queries, I'll go ahead with providing them a consulate.

Know I'm not really supposed to post in here, but...

I was the one who originally made contact with Government - Sajlamot, their ambassador, is my brother IRL, and I originally was going to them to see if they were interested in my colonization idea. As it turns out, they already have their own colonization system set up and functioning, so if we're ever to do such a thing, we may want to remain close to them so we can learn some tips.

*Hersfold runs away again
I have a puppet in Government. I used to play around with the small "Illuminati" regions whenever I got bored, and one of them ended up merging with Government. But I've never been active (still haven't registered on their forum).

But, I don't see any reason not to open an embassy with them.