Where Am I?

Without an atlas I would be lost. Google is definitely ok for that.

If someone leaves a source on the pic, (ie. Pacific Tours) it would be bad form to google it. Same as if someone forgot to remove the original address and you "happen" to clicky the properties and see it. Those are no-nos.

If you have a hunch, go ahead and google the place to see if it looks similar. I never use pics from page 1 anyway, so its likely you would have to dig awhile before you found an exact match. If you try to google things like "red tower" or "big bridge" you'll likely get some scottish castle and the 7th Street Bridge in Pittsburgh. Not very helpful.
Right there. So none of your guesses count.
The second image went gonzo, and the other two aren't very helpful. Want to post another pic or two?

But I'll guess Bodo, Norway because it sounds cool.
Nope, not Bordo.

AI, you guessed it. It is Mo i Rana. You go.

PS. In a gentlemen's game one would disqualify himself for using bad form, as AH and NS did when I carelessly left a link in one of the Luxembourg pics I posted.
I don;t care if you guess during GBM's... I just didnt want you to guess during mine since you'd cheated...

Just to let you all know, I won't be here from Wed. to Mon. (12-17)
Well, first of all, if I don't live up to my word, it makes me look like a lying, cheating scumbag (like my RL friend) and second of all, if I don't live up to it, nobody will ever want to gamble with me and I like gambling!
Montpelier, Vermont?

Those are two of the most generic pictures I've ever seen in this game. Since you're going away tomorrow, maybe a clue or two would be in order.
Montpelier, Vermont?

Those are two of the most generic pictures I've ever seen in this game. Since you're going away tomorrow, maybe a clue or two would be in order.

You got it right.. you don't need clues! (A lot of stuff in Montpelier is very distinctive, so I tried not to be too obvious. Sorry.)
:o how in the......?????
I have no frickin' idea how I got that right. My thought process went like this: the cars look North American, the trees look like they're from the northeast somewhere, hey, what about Vermont? What's their capital again? Montpelier, right. Voila, lucky guess.

This kind of thing is why no one will play me at Trivial Pursuit. :lol:

OK, enough boring stuff about me. Back to the game...

Shockingly close. I need to correct one of my clues. This city was a national capital until 1997. I unwittingly used an out-of-date source. :blush: