No. I can't upload pictures right now. The school's computer won't let me get on imageshack. And, my home computer's internet is down as well as I am banned from it for a while. So, my life sucks.
Well, I was on holiday in Greece a few years ago, Island hopping, and I remember that one of the Islands had a sign on it saying "Greece's Green Island".
So, even though I do not recognise it from the pictures ..... Thassos, Greece?
Oh the place is in really bad shape. Gotta be Kabul, Afghanistan.
I've told my kids if we ever hit the lottery I would take them out of school, hire a private tutor/nanny and we would go see the world. I sometimes show them the pics of different places and ask if they want to go there. Well, you shuld have seen the "What are you, crazy?" look I got when I showed them this group.
Actually, my youngest was game to go until I told her there was a war there and the place had been bombed back to the middle ages. This is a much better choice for a family vacation: