Join The Diplomatic Corps

I, cryforsatan, wish to serve as a member of the Diplomatic Corps.

SWA, you will recieve your assignments in the Diplomatic Corps area.

Rostum, you are now a member of the Diplomatic Corps. The admins will remask you shortly.
You must be a member of the Regional Assembly (sign up in the Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs) to join the Diplomatic Corp.
I, Seltzer, of the Republic of New Pattonia, wish to join the Diplomatic Corps.
We still need more diplomats! Sign up and see the world!

You must be a member of the Regional Assembly to join the Diplomatic Corp.
I, Gallastahn, wish to serve as a member of the Diplomatic Corps
I, FaeMein, wish to serve as a member of the Diplomatic Corps
I hope I haven't missed something...
Post below my request by Haor Chall, states a pm sent, I am unclear as if this was addressed to myself and others, and if so, I regret to inform I have not recieved said pm.
If I am mistaken as to nature of Haor Chall messahe, please forgive and I shall endevore to wait till I hear more on this.

With thanks

Celtique Eluna
The Freelands of Fae Mein

I am yours to mold where e'er you feel I will be of most use.


Celtique Eluna
I,baby_ifritah, wish to serve as a member of the Diplomatic Corps
I, Carlotta Guidicelli, wish to serve as a member of the Diplomatic Corps.