I'm ready and waiting B)
Dalimbar Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot - TNP Nation Cassiars Nov 28, 2005 #6 ^Has a pretty blue dress in her avatar. *Wonders if a "Nolercoster rider" is a compliment, lol*
Namyeknom TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #12 ^ is to spam, what icing is to cakes... hmmm... iced spam... :drool:
Haor Chall The Power of the Dark Side TNP Nation Haor Chall Nov 29, 2005 #14 ^The most sinister minister.
Haor Chall The Power of the Dark Side TNP Nation Haor Chall Nov 29, 2005 #27 ^My most trusted member of the board of directors.
Namyeknom TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #30 ^ a shining beacon of beauty in a desert of darkness. Resident gas master as well...