Describe The Person Below You!

We don't have mayors of small towns. We have Shire Presidents... however the idea of working with those corrupt oligarchs doesn't appeal to me

v supports a Republic for their home nation. If it already is one, they are a conservative :P
Untrue. Liberal, which in Canada means centrist. And powerless.

v looks to Lady Gaga for fashion tips, Miley Cyrus for dancing direction and Taylor Swift for relationship advice.
Sometimes. Though not the pub that is closest to me, its gross!

v Once got so drunk that they danced off the boat the party was on and landed in the water. A kind dolphin named Blackshear saved them and took them back to shore, where a Democratic Donkey came a long and offered them a ride home.
The story is completely true. However, after I got a ride from the donkey it kicked me off and ran away with all my rum. >:-(

v Has an active imagination
I love tuna too much to share it with my cats! However, the bony salmon is all theirs.

v Doesn't know that Holland and the Netherlands is the same country.
They don't use the term Holland though :p When I was there they said they didn't like it when people called The Netherlands; Holland.

v loves the smell of feet
Only because they feel so silky smooth on my skin.

v Has the uncontrollable urge to pee when they kiss someone.
They call me Ash the Flash. And I wear ladies' underwear on the outside of my superhero tights.

v Had to Google "proverbial bad penny" to figure out what it means.