tardineanni empire

  1. T

    To the Moon... And beyond!

    This thread will be a compendium of all Tardine's space achievements through the history. Namely, all Tardine's "firsts": 1963 - First orbital satellite 1968 - First probe to reach the sun 1970 - First animal in space 1972 - First probe to land in Yama successfully 1975 - First successful...
  2. T

    The Tardineanni Intelligence Agency's Lore

    Ever wondered what does the characters do when they are not part of an active RP? What are their sleeping habits? What threatens national security? This thread will contain the dossiers of all Tardineanni main RP characters and even international ones (to those who are willing to participate, of...
  3. T

    Tardine's Election of 2024

    OOC: The Greater Tardineanni Empire is once again a democratic nation. Is the new democracy stronger than the previous one? Some will say yes, while many others have their doubts. Specially after the many threats to the national sovereignty that they have been under in the last few years. After...