
  1. Alsatian Island

    Eutavian Community (EC)

    Eutavian Community (EC) Atlish: Utavenish Fellowship (UF) Älvdalsk: Etavniskt Samhälle (ES) Beiran: Comunitat Eutaviana (CE) Cumbric: Cymuned Eutafiaidd (CE) Rosalian: Comunidade Eutaviana (CE) Tyrrish: Coimhearsnachd Eòtmhialteach (CE) Motto: Strength in unity Member states: The Federated...
  2. Alsatian Island

    Sutheran News Section

    Welcome to the Index Page for News in Sutherland! SOURCES: SBS: The state-owned broadcasting corporation in Sutherland, SBS aims to be editorially non-partisan and balanced, building on the "reasonable consensus" opinion. Founded in 1929, the corporation began through radio broadcasts, and...
  3. Alsatian Island

    Sutherland National Worldbuilding

    The Commonwealth of Great Sutherland Þe Menewealþ of Græt Suþerland | la Mancomunitat de la Terra del Sud | Cymanwlad Swddrlân CAPITAL and largest city - Eamont (district population: 15,504,491) Second city - Lluçanès (district population: 6,066,138) Population - 158,723,686 (Census 2020)...
  4. Highton

    An Opportunity for a Southern Land

    There had been several conversations over the phone which had led to this event- six delegates were meeting in Highton’s largest city to discuss trade with one of Eras’ newest nations, the Sutherland Federation. In order to allow the disputed state to survive, it’s allies would need to provide a...