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    The bloody freedom (Semi-Open)

    On the Tardineanni Fascist Period and its reflections on present day Tardine Juka Pterovisk Barnou1, 2014 1. Introduction This article will unveil international politics during the years before the Aurorian Fascist War, the war itself and the impending outcome. It involved many Aurorian...
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    Miss Eras Application Thread

    The cultural (and beauty) contest called Miss Eras is out! Please take note that there are some rules. The beauty contest I've planned consists on 3 parts: Part 1 - the contestants create a social project and execute them. Part 2 - they are chosen by their projects by the judges to be finally...
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    The Chrono Project [Alternative History]

    OOC: This RP is set on the future, a future that doesn't exist anymore. It starts on the year 2125, where Jonna Hardjun is sent back in time by the government of the People's Democratic Republic of Tardine. The Chrono Project was created to protect the timeline of Tardine as it is. To achieve...
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