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    The national dessert of Acoz is the Afeguette. It consists of Acozitan Vanilla Prepared Tea poured over Acozitan Vanilla, with honey. It is traditionally served alongside melted chocolate or espresso with melted chocolate.
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    Acoz, officially the Principality of Acoz, is made up by the Acozitan Principality and the Princely Republics of Acoz. The Principality is made up of Regions (regions), often corresponding to Acozitan Realms (Res/Resea). The realms are the historical divisions of Acoz. They include Amalitana...
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    The Languages of the Acositan Principality The national language of the Acositan Principiality is the Acozien Language (La Lang'Acaugesque). Other official languages of the Acositan Principality are Saintonais, Agiudician Zeehanzë and High Acozien. Dhaharan is has semi-official status as a...
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    Cities of Acoz

    Cities of Acoz Canton Capital - Acozitanie-Métropolitane Mont Acoz - Mont'Eacoz Port Arhodes - Port Arhodez Caux-Aineige - Coze-Anegia Canton Aleros Hautes-Aibes- Ebessa Ielta Rocques-Thez - Roc'Eathez [capital] Aneurthez - Anov'Eathez Aufrémailles - Foramaia Canton Amariënne - Port...
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    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

    Nation: Principality of Acoz simply: Acoz [/IMG][/SPOILER]