Search results

  1. Noscar

    Farewell Address - January 2025

    You have served this region quite well in my opinion, and i will always remember the vote i cast for you. It dosen't matter if all of your expectations didnt become a reality. The great thing is that you atleast tried, and stuck around till the end of your term instead of resigning mid-term due...
  2. Noscar

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Terre des Riches I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the...
  3. Noscar

    Citizenship Applications

    @jdot21 Passes the speaker's check, and is granted citizenship, having passed the VD and Admin checks. @Amestris-Britannia passes the Speaker's check, and will be granted citizenship upon passing the VD and Admin checks.
  4. Noscar

    Citizenship Applications

    @Kibo and @Anthemcendent (Villamur) Pass the speaker's check, and will be granted citizenship upon passing the VC and Admin checks.
  5. Noscar

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and will be remasked as a resident: @Antonius Kaizuniviel , @etiennesickleton
  6. Noscar

    Citizenship Applications

    @Wali passes the Speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the VD and Admin checks.
  7. Noscar

    Oaths of Office

    I, Noscar, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal...
  8. Noscar

    Opening Address - September 2024

    Congratulations!, and Good luck on your delegacy!
  9. Noscar

    Citizenship Applications

    @Koopa103 passes the Speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the VD and Admin checks.
  10. Noscar

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and will be remasked as a resident: @Tringapore , @Usernamisocensurg
  11. Noscar

    Citizenship Applications

    @Reagan and @General Bolingbroke is granted citizenship, having passed all 3 checks.
  12. Noscar

    Oaths of Office

    I, Noscar , do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Deputy Speaker, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  13. Noscar

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Terre des Riches Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
  14. Noscar

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2024 General Election

    I, @Noscar declare my candidacy for Speaker.
  15. Noscar

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2024 General Election

    I nominate @Simone , @Comfed , @St George for delegate. I nominate @St George for Vice Delegate. I nominate @AraFuttio @Matzerati @St George for speaker.
  16. Noscar

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2024 General Election

    I nominate Simone for Delegate. I nominate Chipoli for Delegate
  17. Noscar

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Terre des Riches I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the...
  18. Noscar


    Sad to see you go, But life's life. Best of luck with your life! Cya around!
  19. Noscar

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Terre des Riches Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
  20. Noscar

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  21. Noscar

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  22. Noscar

    Oaths of Office

    I, Noscar, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal...
  23. Noscar

    MoWAA roll call, May 2024

    TNP Nation (e.g.: Simone_Republic): Terre_des_Riches Forum username (this needs to be integrated into Discord): Noscar Any WA Resolutions authored / interest in writing WA resolutions: I have not authored any but I'm interested WA Area of Focus (GA, SC, or both, up to you): both
  24. Noscar

    Split post from Published Speakers Office Guides

    Step 5b: If an applicant fails the Admin Check due to them not having a residential IP address, mask them as resident (add them to the resident sheet, and add them to the resident joinable group). If they approach you, tell them the possibility of a re-assesment by the Vice-Delegate. But if it's...
  25. Noscar

    [FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] TNN | Delegate Simone Elected in The North Pacific

    Posted to Europeia, The League and Concorde
  26. Noscar

    Ambassador Corps Roll Call

    Are you currently an ambassador? < Yes > If yes, state which regions you are posted to: The League and Concorde, Europeia State which regions you would like to be posted to, if any: The East Pacific
  27. Noscar

    The Speaker's Desk

    Congratulations on Speaker Cloud!
  28. Noscar

    Oaths of Office

    I, Noscar, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Deputy Speaker, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal, responsible...