Thank you! The gift of the region of Lesbian came as a true shock. I opened up my TGs and it was there! That lead to the creativity to create Transgender! LOL
Hello all!
Sorry I've been away on a much needed mini-holiday! However, I'm back and with some breaking news from the Region of Gay!
Earlier today, our region was fortunate enough to be given the access to the founder of the region Lesbian. This was done through the graciousness of a former...
Name of your region:Gay
Link to your region's forums:
Head of Government:Kundu
Head of State:Kundu
Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent):Blood Wine
Short description of your region:The flagship region of the...
I'm Kundu (WAD) and also the holder of LGBT Equality (Founder) of Gay...and also, our new ambassador. And here's a bit about me...
Nickname(s)?: I don't really have any in game.
Main Nation?:Kundu - this is by far the best one to reach me at
RL Country?: USA
Favourite Colour(s)?: Blue, Purple...