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    May Update

    THE GALACTIC ORDER UPDATE =|=Forum=|=Discord=|=Constitution=|=Embassy Policy=|= The Galactic Order is a Star Wars Themed Raider Region with a strong hand in government and role-play through the leadership of our Sovereign, Empress Rachael Arche-VerinGuard. We currently have 225 nations and are...
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    April Update

    THE GALACTIC ORDER UPDATE =|=Forum=|=Discord=|=Constitution=|=Embassy Policy=|= The Galactic Order is a Star Wars Themed Raider Region with a strong hand in government and role-play through the leadership of our Sovereign, Empress Rachael Arche-VerinGuard and with the major help of her Crown...
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    March Update

    THE GALACTIC ORDER UPDATE =|=Forum=|=Discord=|=Constitution=|=Embassy Policy=|= The Galactic Order is a Raider Region with a strong hand in government and role-play through the leadership of our Sovereign, Empress Rachael Arche-VerinGuard and with the help of her husband, Emperor William...
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    Official Permanent Banishment of Howard.

    After a rather eventful week, The Galactic Order has officially banned a member of her community. Howard, formerly known as Howard Arche-VerinHall, was officially banned from The Galactic Order and all her colonies on the morning of February 25, 2018. This ban followed many other bans from...
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    Empress Leave of Absence

    The Empress shall be taking a leave of absence for medical reasons. She is projected to return February 20, 2018. Crown Prince Smith VerinGuard shall be in charge until Empress Rach's return. For citizens, please view the following: For...
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    February 2018 Update

    THE GALACTIC ORDER UPDATE =|=Forum=|=Discord=|=Constitution=|=Embassy Policy=|= The Galactic Order is a Raider Region with a strong hand in government and role-play through the leadership of our Sovereign, Empress Rachael Arche-VerinGuard and with the help of her husband, Emperor William...
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    The Galactic Order Application

    Name of your region: The Galactic Order Link to your region's forums: Follow This. Please keep in mind the forum is currently being reformed to be more user friendly to encourage current and future embassies and citizens to utilize our forum! Head of Government: Grand Moff Lady Madeline...
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    Greetings from another Galaxy!

    Hey y'all! Just here to give a few things about myself since I'll hopefully be on here more often in the future :) Nickname(s)?: Maddie, Mad, Madison, That annoying girl, depends on where I am xD Main Nation?: My current main nation is Marristaria, in The Galactic Order, however my original...
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    Foreign Envoys

    Nation: Marristaria Region: The Galactic Order I am the Grand Moff of The Galactic Order and intend to apply for embassy!