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  1. Krevt

    The Speaker's Desk

    ah now i get it, thanks @Sil Dorsett
  2. Krevt

    The Speaker's Desk

    Mr Speaker, Since May 2020 General Elections have been concluded, why is McMasterdonia still the WA delegate of the region? We saw Prydania win the Elections. Is it because Prydania has to take an Oath or is there any other protocol?
  3. Krevt

    Results: May 2020 General Election

    Congrats to Prydania, Artemis and St George!
  4. Krevt

    Voting: May 2020 General Election

    Delegate: 1.< Gorundu > 2. < Prydania > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes > Vice Delegate: 1.< Artemis > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Highton > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes >
  5. Krevt

    Candidacy Declarations: May 2020 General Election

    I accept my nomination (I'm sorry for late reply)
  6. Krevt

    The Commonwealth of Crowns: 7 April 2020

    Anyway congrats comrades!
  7. Krevt

    The Commonwealth of Crowns: 7 April 2020

    I also participated tho..
  8. Krevt

    Voting: March 2020 Special Vice Delegate Election

    Vice Delegate: 1. < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  9. Krevt

    Krevt's Manifesto

    Krevt For The Vice-Delegate! Ahh, the lovely campaign slogan.. isn't it? I guess not for many of you and maybe yes for some of you. So what can I as a Vice Delegate of The North Pacific Do for the region? As I had mentioned earlier within my party's vision of making TNP #1 region NS. Upon...
  10. Krevt

    Candidacy Declarations: March 2020 Special Vice Delegate Election

    I accept my candidacy Would love to serve TNP
  11. Krevt

    Hitlers Alliance: 24 March 2020

    Congratulations @Nimarya. Excellent job!
  12. Krevt

    Resident's Powers Bill

    I see. Nevermind, I've cleared my doubts and I no longer seek to move it for a vote or further discussion,as this bill would only lead to more of a loophole mechanism in regional security.
  13. Krevt

    Resident's Powers Bill

    As of recently, The powers that residents hold got me into thinking, as why do these residents don't enjoy the same priveledges as citizens. Then after some realization, I thought, "yeah maybe because they don't apply for Citizenship or They have the least interest in TNP's politics". At the...
  14. Krevt

    Mod Requests Please remove this thread
  15. Krevt

    The Forward Bloc [Finalized Version] |Rules and Registrations for New Party Members |

    I am sorry, but I'd request you to please remove the old one. Sorry for the mistake
  16. Krevt

    The Forward Bloc [Finalized Version] |Rules and Registrations for New Party Members |

    The Forward Bloc is a Brand New Political Party in The North Pacific with an aim to improve the welfare of its citizens. The Forward Bloc will be the first of its kind party in the region that'll host its own internal elections for the nomination of candidates that'll then contest in the May...
  17. Krevt

    The Forward Bloc [Discussion/Draft]

    You Too Can Become a Party Member, Just DM me if you're interested
  18. Krevt

    The Forward Bloc [Discussion/Draft]

    Through this Post, I shall announce the opening up of the brand new The Forward Bloc Party that will be contesting in May 2020 Delegate's Election. Development of This Region is necessary for the happiness of its citizens. Even though A citizen's rights and his or her fundamental duties are...
  19. Krevt

    TheCitizen News Network

    The North Pacific Becomes Largest Region in NationStates! Krevt • 14/03/2020 This is a Test Article. Please Remember to Use the Date in DD/MM/YYYY format. Thank You.
  20. Krevt

    [RESTARTED] Voting: March 2020 Judicial Election

    Court Justice (select up to 3): < Wonderess | Alamei | Eluvatar> Would you like to reopen nominations? < No
  21. Krevt

    [CLOSED] Voting: March 2020 Judicial Election

    Court Justice (select up to 3): < Wonderess | Eluvatar | Alamei > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  22. Krevt

    Alexander Clayton's Archives

    Chapter VI : The Present Day Krevt (Not from Alexander Clayton's writings) Today, after 50 years since the radical communist regime fell, Krevt has become a better place. Since 1970, when the new socialist regime took power, new reforms and Economic policies accelerated Krevti Development. From...
  23. Krevt

    Alexander Clayton's Archives

    Chapter V : The Nuclear Programme May 5th , 1944. A regular cabinet meeting held by the KCP plans to establish a nuclear programme under the regime even though it was a difficult task. Given that a large number of people might not agree to wage a war against friendly neighbours, The Central...
  24. Krevt

    Alexander Clayton's Archives

    Chapter IV : A Gloriously Staged Past? The sniper starts his history lesson, "It was in 1804 when Sailors and Merchants of Kyrvat Trade Co. Arrived at Krevt. They established their very first tool factory near the coastal areas. They were successful in creating a monopoly over the course of...
  25. Krevt

    Alexander Clayton's Archives

    Chapter III : An Unexpected Betrayal Just months after G-faction which was renamed to PFP or Prime Freedom Party took over the Government buildings and offices, John Erikson who had proclaimed himself as the Premier of Krevt, was called by McHousie's secretary to the Southern District of Talpas...
  26. Krevt

    Alexander Clayton's Archives

    Chapter II : The Rise of G-faction January 1st 1934, As the new year celebrations were held across Krevti towns and cities, a group of retired Kyrvat Trade Co. Police officers hosted meetings in the Krevti capital of Talpas. John Erikson, the head of this meeting proposed a radical coup against...
  27. Krevt

    Alexander Clayton's Archives

    Chapter I : The Evil Army December 12, 1933 As the sun set in the Covicos, a peaceful countryside with large acres of Tea and Rice Farms, Mary Beth a lady who was almost 25 years old completed her chores and started to help her children in their routine homework from school. She had 2 sons...
  28. Krevt

    Alexander Clayton's Archives

    Introduction Alexander Clayton was a well known Krevti Philosopher and a story writer who mostly depicts common people and some other sections of society and their living conditions through a series of stories. He travelled long distances across Krevt when he was a child. While traveling he...
  29. Krevt

    Krevti Intelligence Bureau | High Profile Database

    KIB (short for Krevti Intelligence Bureau) is the Top security arm of Government of Krevt dedicated to gathering national and foreign intelligence to protect Krevt from national and foreign threats. This agency was carved out from Kyrvat's Secret Police Services in 1921 after the collapse of...
  30. Krevt

    Slatos: 16-22 February 2020

    Well done soldiers, impressive participation numbers. Proud of NPA