Search results

  1. Nosma

    TAR Embassy Request

    Thank you
  2. Nosma

    TAR Embassy Request

  3. Nosma

    TAR Embassy Request

    Name of your region: The Allied Republic Link to your region's forums and/or Discord: Head of Government: Pepe, NS nation: MMS States Head of State: Pepe, NS nation: MMS States Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Nosma, NS nation: Fultzan Short...
  4. Nosma

    The Allied Review (April 2017)

    [hr][hr] Forums NationStates The Executive[c]The Judiciary[c]The Legislative[c][c][c][c]Chancellor: Lewis and Daniel (OP-HBE) Vice Chancellor: Kastros (OP-HBE) State: Trook Washington (RP-HBE) Treasury: Steven G. Eastridge (LRP-BUX) Interior: Hunteiria D. (I-BUX) Culture: Britarvia...
  5. Nosma

    Music Fest 2017 Announcement

    [center] The Music Fest is coming and you don't want to miss sign-ups! Sign-ups are open the 22nd-28th with the first voting and elimination taking place the next day. During the competition the Bazaar will be open for some fun and games and on Wednesday the Gala will finally open to celebrate...
  6. Nosma

    Foreign Envoys

    Nation: Nosma Region: The Allied States