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  1. Xentherida

    Craviter Economic Association

    Issue: Suspend Syrixia From All Three CEA Communities for a Period of Six Months Country: Xentherida Vote: <Yay>
  2. Xentherida

    Eras Claim Hiatus Thread

    Date hiatus begins: 27/10/2022 Expected date of return: 31/12/2022 Reason for request: overall current demotivation with RP manifests into a lack of interest or ability to write posts currently.
  3. Xentherida

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    lmalm18361931 @lmalm18361931 • 3w prydanian lobster rolls kinda mid tbh 1 Retwitches • 5 Likes
  4. Xentherida

    Pan-Gotic Union

    Nation: Xentherida Question: Shall Andrenne be re-admitted to full member status in the PGU provided they inform the union of their signing and ratification of the Savattenstad and Saintes accords? <NAY>
  5. Xentherida

    Pan-Gotic Union

    Mats sighed. "Signing the Conventions will hardly undo the lives lost and stop the fighting. And they would take a while to actually fully implement. But maybe now that the verbal sparring is done, this should probably come to a vote to finally settle this matter; meanwhile, I have begun...
  6. Xentherida

    Pan-Gotic Union

    "You say those responsible are no longer in power, yet this is simply untrue - this new Andrennian leadership was given a ceasefire barely two weeks after it seized power. Since the collapse of that ceasefire, Andrenne has mounted another offensive. This clearly indicates to Xentherida that this...
  7. Xentherida

    Pan-Gotic Union

    Mats yawned. "Trust the Andrennians to be the ones to make a sick joke about dead children. We acknowledged our mistake, launched an investigation into our own actions, found the root cause which was an intelligence failure, and paid compensation to the victims. If this had been an Andrennian...
  8. Xentherida

    Pan-Gotic Union

    Mats rolled his eyes at this Andrennian entrance. Leaning back in his chair, he spoke “It seems with this rather rude interruption we have here, the security of this hall here in Cosonia appears to be quite lacking. As the nation responsible for this, I’ll be sure to pass on some choice...
  9. Xentherida

    Pan-Gotic Union

    Mats Odenburg stood quickly. "It is the opinion of Xentherida that we will refuse to debate Andrenne's reentry until the Duchrijeka conflict has reached a peaceful conclusion at the minimum. Ideally the war should be settled with a full Andrennian withdrawal, but we have realised that this deep...
  10. Xentherida

    Greitbart Opinion: The Case for Banning RolePlay

    Agreed! I hope we ban these disgusting R*leplayers soon!! GOD BLESS!!
  11. Xentherida

    Military Strategies of Eras

    Post some interesting quirks about your military's strategies; the best way to decide this is to look at what nations are nearby, how your nation interacts with them - if hostile, would you imagine being on the defensive or offensive? What's the terrain like? What kind of vehicles could you...
  12. Xentherida

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

    Thank you cartographers, and as always, All Hail Oceania Duchrijeka![/spoiler] ~LL
  13. Xentherida

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    JQuist @jquist917256183 • 2y glad the syndies could let a whole city have a collective day of fun #Hadden2015 105 Retwitches • 457 Likes Hallkalta Stang@HallStang • 2y of course, the xentheridans are equally #wholesome too! 74 Retwitches • 391 Likes
  14. Xentherida

    Saintonge 2021 CEFA World Cup | Signups

    Nation Name: Xentherida Team Nickname: The Flames Team Colors: Red and white Continent: Collandris
  15. Xentherida

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Vidar Larsson @vidlar1994 • 3y Don't worry, I'm sure the Xentheridan Air Force is happy to help with this orphan problem by misidentifying another rural school as a Syndicalist training camp #justiceforforsvollr 2 Retwitches • 7 Likes
  16. Xentherida

    Saintes Convention

    Accession to the Saintes Convention: Full Nation Name: Grand Federation of Xentherida Signed by: PM Leona Antonsson Date signed: 2021-04-1 Date ratified: 2021-04-15
  17. Xentherida

    Savattenstad Convention

  18. Xentherida

    Savattenstad Convention

    Signatories to the Convention.
  19. Xentherida

    Savattenstad Convention

    With the world entering a new era of heightened tension and conflict, the nations of Saintonge and Xentherida have deemed it necessary to stem this tide of violence, especially acts directed towards the most vulnerable. Therefore, on April 1st 2021, a set of rules for war were drafted as an...
  20. Xentherida

    Ashes of Gothis: The 2nd Dučrijekan War

    3:21 PM. July 17th. ”...critical shortages are already being felt; our anti armour capability is hugely diminished with our limited stocks, especially after the loss of the last RPG dump from that airstrike.” The basement was damp and dimly lit only by candlelight - electricity had been cut...
  21. Xentherida

    Amusing Discord Quotes

  22. Xentherida

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Xentherida I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand...
  23. Xentherida

    Eras Claim Hiatus Thread

    Date Hiatus Begins: 07/10/20 (UK Date Format) Expected Date of Return: 31/12/20 Reason for Request: Starting university so I want to make sure I’m not too busy for the first term, and I can retain my place on the map and deal with the workload being put onto me, especially with covid causing...
  24. Xentherida

    Pan-Gotic Union

    Nation: Xentherida PGU Chancellor: < Abstain >
  25. Xentherida

    Pan-Gotic Union

    An unnerving silence seemed to descend upon the PGU hall, with nobody stepping up to speak to deliver their speech first. Mats took a swig of water, building his courage. Might as well be the first one to speak. He stood, clearing his throat, then spoke. “This year we have seen the world...
  26. Xentherida

    Pan-Gotic Union

    Mats also stood. "I shall also be volunteering my name forwards for candidacy."