Search results

  1. bootsie

    Democracy Day 2022

    Hello everyone and Happy Democracy Day! Democracy Day is such a special holiday in TNP for a variety of reasons. Being the largest democracy in the game, our Regional Assembly is constantly working to improve our laws and the way our region operates. Another tradition of Democracy Day is our...
  2. bootsie

    Distribution—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—On Pax Polaris Occidens

    Posted in UDS. Unable to post to Taijitu's off my phone, will reattempt on computer tonight, and then contact you for assistance if needed.
  3. bootsie

    Voting: July 2022 Special Speaker Election

    Speaker: St. George Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  4. bootsie

    Candidacy Declarations: July 2022 Judicial Election

    I second this and also nominate @Gorundu.
  5. bootsie

    Admin Requests

    Per their appointment and oath, can @Kasch please be masked as Deputy Minister?
  6. bootsie

    The Minister's Desk

    New Old Faces July 1, 2022 As stated in my previous post, we did have an opening for Deputy Minister. It's as if the universe heard my request, and sent someone my way. In actuality, it's because he is freeing up for the summer and has more time to commit to NS and TNP Government as a whole...
  7. bootsie

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Accepted. If you'll join the Executive Server, we'll get you set up with the proper masks. Media is under Culture, so accepted to Culture.
  8. bootsie

    Pride Day Mural

    Preferred Nickname: bootsie Preferred Rainbow Color (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple): Yellow
  9. bootsie

    Admin Requests

    Per this post, can @Katuda please be demasked as a Deputy and removed from Culture group leadership?
  10. bootsie

    The Minister's Desk

    Real Life Strikes Again June 26, 2022 Unfortunately I was notified early this afternoon of @Katuda's desire to focus less on NS, and more on their real life as we continue through the rest of the term. While I'm sad to see them go, I hope everything improves for them in their real life, and...
  11. bootsie

    [Suggestion] More Prominent Pronouns

    Hi all, While I'm glad to see that the forum now has the ability to collect our preferred pronouns, I will say I'm a tad disappointed that they don't actually show on our actual posts to let people know what to refer to us by instead of having to dig through our profile (at which point they...
  12. bootsie

    [PASSED] Motion to Recall Fregerson as Speaker of the Regional Assembly

    Though it not be necessary, I hereby third the motion to vote.
  13. bootsie

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Media was absorbed into the Ministry of Culture, so accepted.
  14. bootsie

    Pride Day Mural

    In honor of Pride Day, we will be making a mural of everyone's names as a rainbow. In order to collect preferred nicknames and colors, please fill out the following: Preferred Nickname: Preferred Rainbow Color (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple):
  15. bootsie

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Guslantis Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former ambassador and former senior diplomat
  16. bootsie

    [PASSED] Motion to Recall Fregerson as Speaker of the Regional Assembly

    I agree, but I believe that timeline should be the Assembly's duty to decide, not the Speaker's, especially as the one being recalled. It comes off as though he wants to force an early vote in an attempt to keep his position, which may be an unfair judgement, but with him posting about a...
  17. bootsie

    [PASSED] Motion to Recall Fregerson as Speaker of the Regional Assembly

    To clarify for the record, my husband needed me up early to escort him to a medical procedure when the issue was brought up by Zyvetskistaahn. Against probably better judgement, my half-asleep self brought up the fact that some offices have operated on the policy of not doing the Speaker's...
  18. bootsie

    [PASSED] Motion to Recall Fregerson as Speaker of the Regional Assembly

    Most of my points were already said by Pallaith and Madeline Valois, but I do intend to vote in favor of a recall. It's a disappointing choice, especially since I actually casted my vote for you during our election against one another. I saw that the Assembly believed in your leadership, and...
  19. bootsie

    Admin Requests

    Two requests: Per this post, can @Yamantau Em be demasked as Deputy Minister and removed from leadership over the Culture group? Additionally per their appointment and oath, can @Arc be given Deputy Minister masking and leadership over the Culture group?
  20. bootsie

    The Minister's Desk

    Ministry Changes June 04, 2022 It is with a heavy heart that I announce the departure of @Yamantau Em from serving as a Deputy Minister of Culture this term. I wish them the best with RL, and hope to see them back in action as soon as they are able. In their stead, I have decided to appoint...
  21. bootsie

    [PASSED] Appointment of Sil Dorsett as Election Commissioner

    While I would like to see an answer to Hulldom's question, I cannot think of an answer Sil Dorsett could give to his question that could deter me from voting for him. Therefore, I second the motion to vote.
  22. bootsie

    Admin Requests

    My apologies, Siwale, I had assumed this had been done. I will confirm that she is authorized to be given proper Deputy Minister permissions for Culture, per their appointment and oath at the beginning of the term. In addition, can you confirm or add permissions to that group for the following...
  23. bootsie

    Voting: May 2022 Special Judicial Election Runoff

    Court Justice: Zyvetskistaahn
  24. bootsie

    Voting: May 2022 Special Justice Election

    Court Justice: 1. Zyvetskistaahn 2. Lord Dominator Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  25. bootsie

    THE LENNARTS! 2022

    Congrats to His Majesty, King Ulliveri II (created by @Vapia) for winning RMB Person of the Year. In the event you would like to make an acceptance speech, I have used my totally real powers to open a portal to your world so that you can come and accept the award yourself!
  26. bootsie

    Roll Call - May 2022

    Like I mentioned in my opening address, we are combining the resources of what was previously three separate Ministries under one Ministry banner. Because of this, I have a ton of theoretical staff members, but because of the mergers, I have little idea of who joined what initial Ministry and...
  27. bootsie

    The Minister's Desk

    Opening Address May 12, 2022 To the members of The North Pacific, the Executive Staff of Culture, and beyond. Today is a new day for Culture, and I will be working to get things moving as soon as I finish typing out this address. As Pallaith mentioned in his opening address, this...
  28. bootsie

    THE LENNARTS! 2022

    Congrats to @Sil Dorsett, who won the Lennart for Article of the Year (RP Post, Factbook, Story) for their "Prime Minister's Log".
  29. bootsie

    Admin Requests

    With my appointment and oath, can I please get the necessary permissions over the Ministry of Culture? In addition, can the former Ministry of Media threads be moved into the Ministry of Culture's subforum?