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  1. Krulltopia

    A new constitution for TNP

    Not only do I make no claims, but I will actively thump anyone who tries to deify me. Much like I thump those who defy me.
  2. Krulltopia

    Embassy of The Pacific

    February 2012 THE PACIFIC CLOSES TNI EMBASSY "The recent military invasion by userite forces into the Rejected Realms is a matter of gravest concern to The Pacific and offends the fundamental Francoist principles by which The Pacific conducts itself. The Pacific does not tolerate userite...
  3. Krulltopia

    Embassy of The Pacific

  4. Krulltopia

    Embassy of The Pacific

    September 2011 Introducing: RMB Correctional Officers The Senator for Justice Laws & Bylaws has announced the formation of RMB correctional officers as part of a reform of the Pacific's Justice department. The idea idea behind the Officers is to appoint loyal Pacificans to patrol the regional...
  5. Krulltopia

    The Pacific bans RMB spam

    Flemingovia: It is proving quite effective as a deterrent. I'm mainly banning the puppets of those whining about it than actual recruiters, and I've pointed those that are being reasonable to Nai's how to build a region thread on the NS forums.
  6. Krulltopia

    Commend Anti-World Assembly

    If I may interject...I actually encouraged all Pacificans to vote for this resolution. AWA is a largely ineffectual yet annoying group, and they find this proposal infuriating. Since they spammed all the feeders with ridiculously long messages last week, I am inclined to infuriate them further...
  7. Krulltopia

    Disney to buy MArvel

    *puts on Comic book geek hat* I don't see how this could be considered a bad thing. I'd like to point out that Time Warner (which includes Warner Bros) already owns DC and there has been no real change that effects content. This could be quite beneficial in terms of the films, as Marvel's...
  8. Krulltopia

    Evil Pacifican Tyrant is Condemned!

    Weapon of Awesome Destruction?
  9. Krulltopia

    Evil Pacifican Tyrant is Condemned!

    Evil Pacifican Tyrant is Condemned! The true form of the new delegate of The Pacific, Krulltopia The Hallowed Halls of the World Assembly, Security Council section 12th July, 2009 With these harsh and cutting words, so began a sustained and well thought attempt to push a condemnation of the...
  10. Krulltopia

    Anyone Here on NS 2 ?

    Actually, NS1 split from jolt a while ago. Any shot in the arm would come from Max and his team. Not Jolt/OMAC. They never seem to care about any of their games.
  11. Krulltopia

    Anyone Here on NS 2 ?

    Speaking of NS2: Official forum thread I have to ask can you play that game?
  12. Krulltopia

    The WFE

    as a certain delegate found out the hard way yesterday. :facepalm:
  13. Krulltopia

    Pacifican Proclaimation

    In the Pacific, a new age has dawned. In order to push forward in this age of apparent stagnation and decay, we must change and adapt to the circumstances, and accept the changes which have occurred. It is therefore with great pleasure that I share my vision with you all: a vision where The...
  14. Krulltopia

    War Games

    You might try floating this past the delegate of The Pacific, too.
  15. Krulltopia

    What IF?

    Nope. :facepalm: (and thats only there because I love that smiley)
  16. Krulltopia

    RMB Spam Warning Center

  17. Krulltopia

    The First Pacific Constitutional Convention

    We've had elections for a few years for Governors and the like. Don't exaggerate. Also, choose your words very carefully next time. I actually suggest that you think about what you've just said.
  18. Krulltopia

    The First Pacific Constitutional Convention

    Not really, we'd like them to actually agree on something.
  19. Krulltopia

    The First Pacific Constitutional Convention

    The First Pacific Constitutional Convention Loyal Pacificans gather to hear the announcement by The Senate. Changes are once again afoot in The Pacific. After months of battling numerous yet ineffective attempts to seize the delgacy, the Pacific has managed to rise above those who wish to drag...
  20. Krulltopia

    Proposed abolition of the Endocap

    I heartily support this endeavour. I am more than happy to give an example of the latter point if needed.
  21. Krulltopia

    POTW: When were you founded?

    January 2004. Or maybe February.
  22. Krulltopia

    My email to Max

    I don't think Franks will attend a forum conference, but no harm in asking, I suppose. I am willing to help where needed.
  23. Krulltopia

    Embassy of The Pacific

    Just a quick notice to our Northern cousins that we are updating again. We've recently had two Senators return to us, Doppelganger and Risellia, and are in the process of processing the surge of newcomers we've had. Frequent updates will resume shortly.
  24. Krulltopia

    NS seems to be dying

    Yeah, role play isn't everyone's thing...
  25. Krulltopia

    POTW: NationStates players an endangered species?

    Well said. I've been sceptical about these claims, and the fact they are still being bandied about suggests that we aren't dead yet. If the player is vulnerable, its their own fault, not NS's.
  26. Krulltopia

    NS seems to be dying

    That used to be OUR thing. Meanies.
  27. Krulltopia

    NS seems to be dying

    As an example of: How many of you are aware of the Azure Alliance? Before Elu and others came up with the idea, I had played around for YEARS with the idea of a Pan-Pacific organisation. The idea of a United Group of Feeders has always been an obsssion of mine, and I've always thought that it...
  28. Krulltopia

    NS seems to be dying

    Unfortunately, I do not seem to be able to see that. I guess it's closed off to diplomats. I do have a few ideas of my own, if anyone is willing to listen.
  29. Krulltopia

    NS seems to be dying

    I mentioned this a year ago, but no one seems to have done much to avert it.
  30. Krulltopia

    NS Life is sweet

    JAL should sig that. I demand it.