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  1. Idunnowhat

    Embassy of North Pacific

    Updates North Pacific: March 25th 2007 Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft North Pacific now contains 100 nations News and Announcements Council Elections were called in this thread Niels and BKB both resigned. The First Annual Defender Awards thread can be found here A poll on how our council...
  2. Idunnowhat

    Embassy of North Pacific

    Updates North Pacific: February 3rd 2007 Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft North Pacific now contains 130 nations News and Announcements The NS Census roadshow arrived. It can be found here. Spanish Pacific came back to explain to us our failings as a region.It can be found here. The Is...
  3. Idunnowhat

    Embassy of North Pacific

    Updates North Pacific: December 17th,2006 Forum Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft North Pacific now contains 120 nations News and Announcements Elections were called for council positions. The thread is located Here. We had a fairly good turnout so check out the nomainees. The Is this It...
  4. Idunnowhat

    Embassy of North Pacific

    Updates North Pacific: November 26th,2006 Forum Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft North Pacific now contains 120 nations News and Announcements The Is this it? has thrown up some interesting ideas to revive our region. We finally found out what happens to russo over the past few weeks. Here...
  5. Idunnowhat

    Embassy of North Pacific

    Updates North Pacific: November 11th,2006 Forum Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft North Pacific now contains 120 nations Welcome to nations Gateborg and Sir lans from TYW. Here is the Introduction Forum News and Announcements Lots of stuff has happened in this forum.Pope lexus arrived with...
  6. Idunnowhat

    Embassy of North Pacific

    Updates North Pacific: October 29th,2006 Forum Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft North Pacific now contains 120 nations. The Ideas P&S posted for the RMB are working and we are currently going through the alphabet posting words starting from A to Z :). Ministry of Foreign Affairs...
  7. Idunnowhat


    Lol thanx everyone!!! yeah Dalimbar I must have seen you around other forums I so have lots of accounts everywhere now if I could keep them active :P Harm it's nice to see you here I do love ur avatar!!!! :D
  8. Idunnowhat


    yes I did that thank you very much :) our consulate has been opened.
  9. Idunnowhat

    Embassy of North Pacific

    Updates North Pacific: October 14th 2006 Forum North Pacific now contains 116 nations. Welcome to nations Swediana, Palps and Ave Grei Swediana Palps Ave Grei News and Announcements Russo Principolis has announced he is undertaking a delegacy attempt in his Thread Russo-Princepolis for...
  10. Idunnowhat

    Embassy of North Pacific

    Updates North Pacific: September 29th 2006 Forum North Pacific now contains 126 nations. Welcome to nations Osakastan and Hebradeion News and Announcements A new cabinet was selected by Shrek New Cabinet The Legality of the Council is still being discussed The Lazarus Petition to Game...
  11. Idunnowhat

    Embassy of North Pacific

    Thank you very much :) You are welcome to come and open an embassy in North Pacific as well... To do that just register into our forums and go to the North Pacific Consulate. Again thank you for setting this consulate up here.
  12. Idunnowhat

    Notice to All Foreign Consuls

    I, Idunnowhat , representing North Pacific, do hereby understand that this consulate in no way forces The North Pacific into any Military or Political Alliance or relationship. I understand that this consulate may be closed at anytime by the Minister of External Affairs for whatever reason...
  13. Idunnowhat


    Good morning/day/afternoon/night all!! :) My name is Idunnowhat and I am Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs in the region North Pacific. I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to direct me to the place where I should be requesting for a consulate? If this is the place, what should...