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  1. mr_sniffles

    September 2009 Nominations

    Has not been an RA member for 30 days, isn't even an RA member right now. Otherwise I'd second.
  2. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    OH YEAH! Sideshow Bob.
  3. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    I always loved that joke but could never remember where it came from, was it Seinfeld or somewhere else?
  4. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    Very well, once again. Is Exhibit C an honest representation of the transcript you submitted to Rhindon Blade? (Obviously discounting the blocking out of your name and the arrow for emphasis.)
  5. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    The defence opened this line of questioning by insinuating that there were no evidence evidence of sedition and treason, this is to merely show that while the witness may not have any further evidence, such evidence does indeed exist. My question is about the actual discussion between the...
  6. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    That was directed at you, one look at your recent comments to me will make it obvious. I thought quoting each and every one would add to an already torturously long thread. And maybe give you some dignity. I do wonder how you'll twist this so you can call me an idiot again. Though one can't...
  7. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    Thank you. Now looking back on Exhibit C... Is this the evidence you submitted to Rhindon Blade? (Obviously discounting the blocking out of your name and the arrow for emphasis.) And if so, I ask the following the questions to which a simple yes or no will suffice. Does the accused freely...
  8. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    And where and when did I dispute this? Also, temper, temper BLUE WOLF... You know such sudden rise to anger is a sign of desperation.
  9. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Thought so, can't name one.
  10. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Please, show me one RL trial where the defence asked the witness to empty their pockets for further evidence.
  11. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    This witness has already provided evidence in Exhibit C, which why the defendant is on trial. Why would the witness need to provide more and why is the Defence asking for this? Relevance? Also, is the Defence going to ask a question or are they just going to bloviate until his accusers die of...
  12. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    It's up the Defence to find their own proof that absolves them, not to beg witnesses on the stand for a freebie. I'd do a facepalm and wonder if you even know what you're doing, but it's been pretty obvious for a while now.
  13. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    I think in your case, you're trying to find the shooter on the grassy knoll. WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?1 WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?!11
  14. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    Objection, all of these questions relate to exhibit C. Asking the witness to provide more evidence is either irrelevant or at worst, insinuating that exhibit C is irrelevant. The onus is own the defence to defend themselves against exhibit C, not for the witness to prove their own relevance.
  15. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    The witness reveals the nature of the relationship in exhibit C, in how readily the accused boasts of his exploits. Any further questions on the nature of the relationship between the witness and the accused, and also the defence, is a pathetic game of 20 questions. And serves only to defy the...
  16. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    Objection, asking the witness to describe his/her relationship with the accused is clearly meant to reveal the identity of this witness.
  17. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    If you need to resort to name calling and making fun of serious mental defects, I'm not even going to respond.
  18. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    A single ELECTED official. We place far more faith in one person for a lot more, than our judges. I think this judge-bashing is completely contemptible, especially as it wasn't even that long ago judicial reform was proposed. Where were you again when that happened? You were around, asked to...
  19. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    Will my previous objection be ruled on? Yes or no?
  20. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Why not? It works so well on American idol...
  21. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    The prosecution has a right to argue for its own objection. The defence does not have a right to chip away against a Court ruling. I await the presiding judge's response.
  22. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    Which the Court has determined to its own satisfaction. Now will the defence respect the Court's ruling?
  23. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    Revealing any position the witness may or may not hold in government, (not that big of a government personnel wise too) is personal question with no other intention but to reveal the identity of this witness. A witness who the Court has ruled, should have his/her identity protected. I await the...
  24. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Says the guy who belittles Internet Arguments then starts and continues them.
  25. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    The Court has ruled that the identity of this witness shall not be disclosed, you are asking for specifics that would reveal the identity of this witness. Plain and simple.
  26. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Don't put words in my mouth.
  27. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II

    The prosecution is glad that the defence finally recognizes it's effort in this trial however the rules of this Trial have already been established and would like the defence to recognize the rulings of this Court or be held in contempt.
  28. mr_sniffles

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    If it's so silly then why are you still arguing? Just admit defeat, plead guilty and move on. Be the bigger man.