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  1. Maurnindaia [fr]

    Actual blog: ft. maurnindaia

    bruhhh i just done did sme working out an i was all like "hey it'd be fun to do a blog" so here it is Today was chill Nothing to report
  2. Maurnindaia [fr]

    NSGP Update 12/28/2023

    Hello TNP! We've recently published a new statement on our NSGP forum regarding our newly established defense force, and it'd delight me if you viewed it. Enjoy!
  3. Maurnindaia [fr]

    first one to post after DFL [or laf ig] is best in the history of

    frfr self explanatory am obviously best frfrfr ong no cap please misspell as frequently as possible
  4. Maurnindaia [fr]

    Maurnindaia for Delegate; "Ego sum melior"

    I have drafted an all new, stupider thing that will make the previous thing funny. Here is the thing as is STILL DO NOT EXPECT -QUALITY -HUMOR -anything really AHEM Your attention please? Yeah, that wasn't good, and I'm proud about it. So why delete it? idk felt like it Anyways, I'm Maurnindaia...
  5. Maurnindaia [fr]

    You should

    Basically a three word story, just slightly different Originally started with: , followed by a few other posts to avoid spam i moved it here ---------------------------------------------- You should
  6. Maurnindaia [fr]

    home depot

    home depot
  7. Maurnindaia [fr]

    DFL's gifs

    I shall be updating this singular post as I find gifs that I find funny [ie:daily] [Considering uploading other forms of media, but ehhh] feel free to comment bellow #1: #2: #3: #4: #5: [Link just in case, here.] #6: [ they're both fully clothed so] #7:(Courtesy of Marlducro) #8: [Link just...
  8. Maurnindaia [fr]

    AI Inferkit; what it generated

    I asked it to generate an email to my freind kinda gave it free reign to do whatever but uhhh here you go Dear Kirkius Barringtonious, The terror you have had throughout your long career is not on your conscience, nor is it likely to be erased from history. If I were you, I would do as well as...
  9. Maurnindaia [fr]


    mmmmmmmmmmm yes
  10. Maurnindaia [fr]


    Endorse MAURNINDAIA nerds!!!12!!!111!!!
  11. Maurnindaia [fr]

    Ask me anything #2, DFL boogaloo

    Self explanatory copying @Space Nerd because
  12. Maurnindaia [fr]

    Lè write

    CA18 entered the containment room, the metal sphere towering over him in the center of the room. He had been ordered by the Maurnindaian testing facility to touch it, and he was both anxious and excited to see what would happen. As he reached out his hand to touch the sphere, he felt a sudden...
  13. Maurnindaia [fr]

    lists of not nerds

    [insert text here]
  14. Maurnindaia [fr]

    Count to 15 before DFL or Cloud OR someone in Ministry of Culture posts

    [Can't say the letter K or M either] I'll start you guys off 1.00
  15. Maurnindaia [fr]

    lists of nerds

    if you're viewing this thread you're a nerd if you're aware of the existence of this thread, you're a nerd [Edit CST 12:45 AM 26/2/23, DMY] If you know of DFL's existence or have interacted with him, your a nerd If you don't play NationStates , you are not a nerd
  16. Maurnindaia [fr]

    Perfectly Normal Thread

    Perfectly Normal, I don't know what tf you're on about It's normal :p
  17. Maurnindaia [fr]

    Quirky RP hahahaha

    Okay rules are Must include "si si si", and "DEA". Will be featured in a reading on yt channel I'll start The rain, si si si, is raining over the DEA. Why it's called the DEA? I dunno, it's just a plaza, like a park. You, you, and some of you, who just happen to be completely different people...
  18. Maurnindaia [fr]


    guysa we aslive jaina society guys we need togbs oicety assll ofver the aplce cahpiuche? nowa we maust spread the saoviceity
  19. Maurnindaia [fr]

    days until my birthday

    i'll update every day day 1:47 days
  20. Maurnindaia [fr]

    general off-topicness

    okay you gotta reference the post that precedes yours but at the same time be off topic from it I'll start Why does cutting a sizable chunk of your finger off hurt less than stubbing your toe?
  21. Maurnindaia [fr]


  22. Maurnindaia [fr]


    If you were on the RMB; You know what to do. [follow the rules though, pretty please]
  23. Maurnindaia [fr]

    A poll

    A poll
  24. Maurnindaia [fr]


    reccomend me some music also here's my reccomendation today*12/26/22*:
  25. Maurnindaia [fr]

    Merry Christmas

    RIP NS, and Merry Christmas to you all!
  26. Maurnindaia [fr]

    The Zimmerman Telegram

    We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together...
  27. Maurnindaia [fr]

    Interesting Thread about Aerilia

    [the next person to post has to continue the song one line at a time and so on and so on until the song ends, in that case you switch to bohemian rhapsody, and then the house of the rising sun, and then dirty deeds done dirt cheap, until we run out of songs, and the universe ends] I dont want...
  28. Maurnindaia [fr]


    RMB's a little chaotic today. So.....I'm hiding here. Welcome to my 10th thread!
  29. Maurnindaia [fr]

    another maurnindaia thread?

    I will be everywhere
  30. Maurnindaia [fr]

    Funny RMB things

    Area to post weird crap or ammusing crap you see on the rmb. I'll start. "yes while we're at it, i will spread the UwU-virus!"