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  1. kat

    Vibonia's Weekly Report - November 2024 W2

    Good greetings, TNP. Kat here, and today I'm bringing this week's report, albeit a bit late. Still some major things happening though. The Ministry of the Occupied Territories has been formally merged with the VDF, thus ending its existence. The Ministry came about as a result of our raid on...
  2. kat

    Vibonia's Weekly Report - October 2024 W5/November 2024 W1

    Good greetings TNP, Kat here. I'm bringing you the report for this week! We've got some interesting things happening. We're happy to announce that an interregional event has been organised. The Wellspring, a fellow Frontier, has invited Vibonia to join them in a couple games of Garticphone! As...
  3. kat

    Vibonia's Advisor Report - October

    Greetings, TNP! Kat here. We, as advisors to the President, have officially published our monthly Advisor Report! It's the biggest and best publication we release every month. Feel free to enjoy it in the form of either a dispatch or in our NSGP thread. It'd be wonderful if you took the time to...
  4. kat

    Vibonia's Weekly Report - October 2024 W4

    This thread is meant to notify TNP on happenings in Vibonia through the weekly reports, posted weekly, of course.
  5. kat

    Vibonia's Advisor Report - September

    This thread is meant to notify TNP on happenings in Vibonia through the Advisor Reports, posted monthly Speaking of the Advisor Reports, here's the one posted about September! (yes i know it's been just about a whole month)
  6. kat

    New Ambassador of Vibonia to TNP

    Hello there TNP. I'm Kat, current security councilor and Advisor to the President of Vibonia. I'm pleased to announce that I have been chosen to be Vibonia's Ambassador to TNP. Since I'm quite sure Vibonia hasn't had an official ambassador to this region, I'm pleased to be working with you all...
  7. kat

    My Life

    Got inspired by El Fiji, so here goes. I already got a pretty nice headstart, considering I can do 100 pushups in 20 minutes or so, that's including distractions and breaks. Pushups until failure is somewhere around 20 to 25, I haven't bothered to check. Thanks in part to school, I built up a...
  8. kat

    count to 10 before i arrive with the milk

    welp the last thread was closed for an unknown reason so new thread, here we go!
  9. kat

    The Poll Thread (lock pls)

    Alright, chat, talk, IDK. Any poll ideas, then ping me and post em, I'll be on it.
  10. kat

    Count to 10 before the glory of 7 consumes you

    like every other one. count to 10 before i post. go. wins: note: ping me when yall win.
  11. kat

    3rd Time... wow.

    I got "500 Internal Server Error" error message. Anyone got this?
  12. kat

    Ping the above user in a chain until someone messes up!

    Yep, check the WinRAR thread, we were doing that. Ping the above user like a chain until someone messes up. THIS THREAD WILL PING YOU EVERY TIME SOMEONE POSTS IF YOU ARE INVOLVED IN THIS THREAD. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET PINGED, YET WANT TO JOIN, I RECOMMEND TO NOT JOINING. Start! (I have no...
  13. kat


    TIME TO STEAL FROM TSP AGAIN CUZ ITS FUN idea: you either give a point to someone, take a point from someone, or do both. P.S. if you give or take, no points are changed from yours, which means you cant steal others' points lemme start: + Ayuzh Ayuzh: 1 Katyarda: 0 Write the list too. If...
  14. kat

    Count to 150 before Madeline Valois gets citizenship (lock pls)

    Do as the title says. Ayo if we get past 150 do something like this: "151 (1)" you technically restart but you don't dang it we lost 1
  15. kat

    The North Pacific Constitution

    Yes I did copy this from the TSP forums. Just make up random articles that make up the "rules" for TNP to follow. Article 1: All people have to eat pizzas for breakfast.
  16. kat

    (OOC) Hired Hits (Open)

    small question: do we have to be in eras rp for this?
  17. kat

    Count to 7 bef NMO posts

    TGO stands for The Ghostly Orange (which is me) Edit: No More Orange! You know the drill by know, so let's roll! 0
  18. kat

    Power Issue on NS

    Uhm... I got disconnected from the NS database, am I getting hacked or something....? Edit: Others are experiencing this, phew! Something's happening, confirmed. Do you think it's time to change the power of NS from Max Barry's phone to something beefier?
  19. kat


    Yep. Just like man, but terrorist. Terrorist will try to destroy earth somehow and always dies trying to. Terrorist buys a bomb
  20. kat

    Count to 100 by yourself

    count to 100 by yourself stats: empty - 1 me - 3 unicorn - 3 funia - 6
  21. kat

    Count to 54 before I post

    very simple: GET TO 54 BEFORE I POST i start: 1!