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  1. Rewan Demontay

    Opening Opening Address: A Belated Affair

    Ministry of Cards: Opening Opening Address 1/31/2023 A bit late, late for an opening address, I am aware, and that in itself is quite the understatement. However, our regularly scheduled card activities are back on track and will stay as such, I assure you. This is merely a belated...
  2. Rewan Demontay

    Opening Address: Life Like Thunder 9/11/2022

    Ministry of Cards: Opening Address 9/21/2022 This term has flashed like lightning and struck like thunder. It may feel short, but impact is beyond predictable or viewable. I hope we can share more amongst ourselves, a goal of this term. For example, the title of this report is the name of a...
  3. Rewan Demontay

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Card Sharks Must you obtain a card for a collection, yet you just cannot seem to wrangle it for yourself? Do you want a way to earn premium quests, yet donate no cards to the government? Have you increased the value of a TNP card, and wish to be compensated? Become a Card Shark and help...
  4. Rewan Demontay

    Half Way There, Living On A Prayer: 8/6/2022

    Ministry of Cards: Mid-term Report 8/6/2022 Hello there, to all who have lurked this far into the depths of this forum's abyss! This here is the Ministry of Card subforum, the most mysterious void of them all. It's certainly been a fair amount of time, 6 months (read: infinity), since the last...