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  1. Zyvetskistaahn

    [PASSED] Minor Military Loophole Fix

    I am inclined to agree that this isn’t strictly necessary and that the Court would be unlikely to uphold misuse of the current clause 37. That said, I like the proposal to have the law clearly say the NPA is the region’s military, it feels weird that it doesn’t at the moment.
  2. Zyvetskistaahn

    [GA - PASSED] Repeal: "LEO Force Restrictions"

    For. I think some of the arguments made for the repeal are overblown, in particular, I don’t think it is right in terms of the effect of clause d of the target being to make all fatal uses of force necessarily murder, the target does not require a fatal use of force to be criminalised as being...
  3. Zyvetskistaahn

    Spam Points

    001. MARCVS ANTONIVS - 1277 002. AERILIA - 975 003. NESSUNO - 709 004. EL FIJI GRANDE - 551 005. SIWALE - 503 006. MCMASTERDONIA - 330 007. GORUNDU - 207 008. KASCH - 152 009. ZAZUMO - 142 010. DINOIUM - 107 011. LORD NWAHS - 105 012. ASH - 101 013. JAMIE - 97 014. CHASMANTHE - 96 015...
  4. Zyvetskistaahn

    [Shelved] Expanding Recusal of Justices

    I agree that it could perhaps be restricted, but it doesn’t necessarily follow that just because one type of restriction (as punishment for a crime) on a right is justified that other restrictions on the same right are justified. The justification here would be due to interest in the outcome but...
  5. Zyvetskistaahn

    [Shelved] Expanding Recusal of Justices

    I don't see any issue around whether or not the parties or the Justices vote. I would assume that the Justices would usually abstain, but, ultimately, if the vote is narrow enough that it will be decided by the votes of the parties or the Justices, then I am not sure it is one where the Assembly...
  6. Zyvetskistaahn

    Office of the Vice Delegate

    I am very glad to see this and all the progress that has been made in relation to declassification since the passage of the laws on this. Given I spent a fair amount of time annoying candidates and applicants over declassification, I do also want to say thank you to you, the Council, and the...
  7. Zyvetskistaahn

    Appeal of the Rejection of Madeline Valois' Citizenship Application

    @Madeline Valois, at the moment, it seems we are waiting for the Speaker’s determination on whether your appeal is valid and, if determined not to be, on what is to be done about it. While we are waiting for that, I wanted to let you comment on something that is troubling me about this...
  8. Zyvetskistaahn

    [Shelved] Advancing Individual Privacy Act

    I would be minded to vote against this proposal. I don’t really see the harm done by including the example lists. They are all pretty obvious things that I would hope would be on people’s minds when considering disclosure but if they aren’t then the lists seem like a healthy reminder to me. If...
  9. Zyvetskistaahn


    Brief If it pleases the Court, I submit this brief as amicus curiae to assist the Court, however, in the interest of transparency I note that I did give some assistance in terms of drafting to the Petitioner. The Issues It is submitted that the questions before the Court are: what limit is...
  10. Zyvetskistaahn

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Zyvetskistaahn Ministry you are interested in joining: World Assembly Affairs (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None, save for commenting on proposals as a resident/citizen.
  11. Zyvetskistaahn

    [GA - DEFEATED] Providing Paid Leave

    Against. While I think that this is an area which could usefully be subject to international standards, there are a number of issues with the proposal that lead me to think this is not the appropriate resolution for the job. The definition of paid leave does not identify whether the payments...
  12. Zyvetskistaahn

    [GA - PASSED] Health and Safety Act

    Looking at this further, the HSB seems to me likely to be quite an ineffective entity. Obviously it is meant to be a monitoring mechanism for compliance with the Resolution, but the ability for it actually to monitor compliance seems very limited. It doesn’t have any power to investigate or...
  13. Zyvetskistaahn

    [GA - PASSED] Health and Safety Act

    @Tinhampton Could you answer a question I have about clause 1.c: when it refers to “the steps that employers in each sector of the economy must take to reduce these risks”, is it envisaged that member states would here be setting out existing obligations for employers or that member states would...
  14. Zyvetskistaahn

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Zyvetskistaahn I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I...
  15. Zyvetskistaahn

    Security Council Information Disclosure Request Thread

    Fourteen days have elapsed since the above request was made. I now require the release of the requested information in its present state without further redaction (excepting real-life information), as provided for by section 5.5, clause 29 of the Legal Code.