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  1. Comfed

    [GA - QUORUM REJECTED - AGAINST] Repeal “Volcanic Activity Convention”

    Overview: This proposal seeks to repeal GA #565, "Volcanic Activity Convention," citing issues such as narrow definition of "volcanic activity", more focus on actions taken by individual member states on a national level rather than international cooperation, and redundancy with existing...
  2. Comfed

    [GA - QUORUM REJECTED - AGAINST] Repeal “Volcanic Activity Convention”

    Repeal: “Volcanic Activity Convention” Category: Repeal | GA #565 Proposed by: Elyreia, Co-authored by: The Ice States, Tinhampton | Onsite Topic Replacement: < None > Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these...
  3. Comfed

    [R4R] Regarding "On Freedom of Information Requests against the Judiciary"

    Your honours, I will not focus on what could be considered the primary question of this request for review - concerning the expansion of the Freedom of Information Act to cover the Speaker's records - because I think that is a very clear case of a Court decision being rendered obsolete by...
  4. Comfed


    I am sorry to see you go. Please take all the time you need.
  5. Comfed

    Ministry of WA Affairs Office

    Opening Statement Hello, First, please note that I have unlocked this thread. Public questions may now be posted here. I am grateful for Delegate Simone's trust in appointing me to the position of Minister of World Assembly Affairs, an office I have never held before. While I will require a...
  6. Comfed

    [GA - passed] Promoting Climate-Resilient Farming

    @Halsoni and @Matzerati, could you clarify whether, by your "Abstain" votes, you wish for the Delegate not to vote on this resolution, or that you are simply choosing not to vote one way or another in this internal poll (in which case you should vote "Present")? I only ask because it is unusual...
  7. Comfed

    Oaths of Office

    I, Comfed, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Minister of World Assembly Affairs, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a...
  8. Comfed

    Off-Site Property Offences Universal Jurisdiction Act

    I had no intent of moving to a vote while this is still under discussion and debate. I disagree that, if this bill were enacted, it would claim jurisdiction that the Court does not have. In real life, it is normal for the law to assert jurisdiction, and different countries assert in different...
  9. Comfed

    [DRAFT] Continuous Commissioners Act

    I second the motion.
  10. Comfed

    Off-Site Property Offences Universal Jurisdiction Act

    Bump. I continue to maintain that the optimal way is the one that I have presented. In particular, the suggestion to simply make this a part of the Vice Delegate's check is not a plausible alternative. First, I would presume that the Vice Delegate would consider any forum destroyer to be a...
  11. Comfed

    Potential Violation of Freedom of Speech by Simone

    From a legal standpoint, it is correct to say that the Delegate can "micromanag[e] everything through [legislation]," because the Delegate's authority to regulate things like government publications (especially in a Ministry such as the Ministry of Communications, which is not mentioned in...
  12. Comfed

    Confirmation of Lord Dominator as Election Commissioner

    Anyways, I move for a vote.
  13. Comfed

    Confirmation of Lord Dominator as Election Commissioner

    My impression is that it is not so much the specific words "Yes" or "No" that are important, so much as that the voter clearly vote for or against re-opening nominations. While the words "Yes" and "No" are capitalized, I am not confident that this means that the words must be used verbatim...
  14. Comfed

    Confirmation of Lord Dominator as Election Commissioner

    Do you believe that section 5.5 of the Rules of the Election Commission means that voters must submit, verbatim, the words "Yes" or "No"?
  15. Comfed

    Admin Requests

    My term as an Election Commissioner has expired. As such, can my mask as an Election Commissioner be removed?
  16. Comfed

    Security Council Information Disclosure Request Thread

    Subject: Discussions preceeding or otherwise relating to Marcus Antonius' Influence Exemption, in which four members of the Security Council did not vote. Approx Date Record was Created/Discussed: No earlier than the ejection and banning of Inclement Space, by my estimation around June 27.
  17. Comfed

    [DRAFT] Continuous Commissioners Act

    This is a sensible change which I support. As a broader matter, my position may be somewhat extreme, in that the Oath of Office serves little purpose and should be abolished. Its provisions can be better enforced through specific legislation, and the actual procedure of the Oath generally only...
  18. Comfed

    July 2024 Discussion on Amendments to the EC Rules

    I support all of Pallaith's proposed amendments.
  19. Comfed

    The Trial of Laforeia

    we are experiencing technical difficulties at this time
  20. Comfed

    post your favourite picture of a british prime minister

    can you spot the british prime minister
  21. Comfed

    Will Hulldom write us a poem about the nature of human mortality and the futility of life and love?

    @Varanius why are you asking @Hulldom to bark for you, I thought you had fixed the problems in your relationship that one fateful Sunday at Mar-a-Lago