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  1. Tinhampton

    [GA - DEFEATED] The Children Act

    This was withdrawn by my author, Telgan Alpha, after reaching queue.
  2. Tinhampton

    [GA - DEFEATED] The Children Act

    In what regards? (Co-author here.)
  3. Tinhampton

    [SC - FAILED] Commend Sacara

    Why - given that I drafted this for two weeks, during which it increased in size threefold, and took feedback onboard during the drafting process? And again, why - given that TNP threw its weight behind Commend Candensia (an extremely deserving nominee), which was literally just "this guy wrote...
  4. Tinhampton

    [GA - FAILED] Self-Defence Education Compact

    @simone_republic : 1. See Article d. 2. See the last post I made in this thread. 3. "Countries with [earlier] vocational training" can still ensure that (i.e.) their primary and middle schools discharge Article a. :P
  5. Tinhampton

    [GA - FAILED] Self-Defence Education Compact

    Different, yes, but I am thankful that you (at least implicitly?) acknowledge that it is possible. Everybody should be able to defend themselves from attack, and anybody can - somehow - learn how to do so; there is no single right way, never mind a universal way, of such education. A school...
  6. Tinhampton

    [GA - FAILED] Self-Defence Education Compact

    Still the author, still willing to answer questions :P
  7. Tinhampton

    [GA - FAILED] The Environmental Protections Act

    ...has TNP really recommended against this proposal because of a non-binding clause? That's the first time I can ever remember that happening.
  8. Tinhampton

    [Passed] The Crashing, Phishing and Spamming Reform Act (The C.P.S.R. Act)

    Isn't 1.8.21 as it is to facilitate COPS compliance? :P
  9. Tinhampton

    [GA - FAILED] Peace and Sustainable Development

    Author and submitter - still more than happy to answer any questions you may have about this!
  10. Tinhampton

    [GA - FAILED] The Environmental Protections Act

    Do you take objection to the EPA simply because it is called "The Environmental Protections act?"
  11. Tinhampton

    [GA - FAILED] The Environmental Protections Act

    I tried my best to drag him over there! :P
  12. Tinhampton

    [GA - PASSED] Paid Leave Act

    Ineligible to vote. ...the World Assembly had a resolution on paid leave three weeks ago.
  13. Tinhampton

    [SC - WITHDRAWN] Liberate Lardyland

    Pulled by Xoriet after reaching 100 approvals (out of 59 required)
  14. Tinhampton

    [Passed] The Evidence Tampering Act (The E.T.A.)

    Does there need to be a full stop after "Evidence Tampering."? :P
  15. Tinhampton

    [GA - PASSED] Access to Effective Medications

    So after you try and start a debate about "socialized free health care," and then you end your debate after making your first reply, and then I complain that you started it at all (in a WA debate thread) when you had no intention of continuing it... that apparently demonstrates perfectly well...
  16. Tinhampton

    Voting: October 2021 Special Speaker Election

    Speaker: Fregerson Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  17. Tinhampton

    [GA - PASSED] Access to Effective Medications

    Why are you trying to start debates that you have no intention of continuing, then? (not you, Pomaogranate)
  18. Tinhampton

    [SC - PASSED] Commend Nephara

    "Fregerson" - who offered a detailed explanation of his support earlier in this thread - is also known as PotatoFarmers/Poafmersia, a trusted member of the NSS community. The author of this proposal won the 73rd Cup of Harmony, and recently competed in the World Cup Qualifiers under the nation...
  19. Tinhampton

    [Failed] The FoI Simplification Act

    I would like to motion this bill to a vote - cheers in advance, Oracle.
  20. Tinhampton

    [Failed] The FoI Simplification Act

    Bill name changed from the Eliminating Annoying Red Tape so the Happiness of Workers Overseeing our Region is Maintained (EARTHWORM) Act. I have made one change, to propose that the title of Section 5.5 be updated to include a colon... pedantic, I know, but needs must :P If everybody else likes...
  21. Tinhampton

    [Failed] The FoI Simplification Act

    Does anybody have any more thoughts on my bill?
  22. Tinhampton

    [GA - DEFEATED] Repeal: "Drug Decriminalization Act"

    NON-WA for. If TNP don't want a resolution requiring all member states to enact and enforce measures to protect the health and safety of workers, then they can learn to live without a resolution requiring all member states to decriminalise drugs.
  23. Tinhampton

    [GA - PASSED] Transgender Self-Determination

    This proposal does not "abolish gender specific competitions in sports."
  24. Tinhampton

    [GA - PASSED] Transgender Self-Determination

    Any particular reason(s)? :P
  25. Tinhampton

    [GA - PASSED] Transgender Self-Determination

    The same thing that happens to them now, in the absence of Transgender Self-Determination as an active resolution. Except in school sports days.
  26. Tinhampton

    [SC - FAILED] Liberate The Catgirl Hivemind

    "HAGHAST" is likely not a typo; if it were, Vara would be unable to spell out "NO SHIELDS" with the first letters of his proposal.
  27. Tinhampton

    [GA - PASSED] Transgender Self-Determination

    I resubmitted this proposal at exactly the same time that BC posted this thread. You can find the text of that proposal here.
  28. Tinhampton

    [GA - FAILED] Recreational Drugs Compact

    Wrong. Article a would reserve to member states whether to legalise, decriminalise, or forbid the use (etc.) of any recreational drug, and forbid WA interference in these matters. Article b is non-binding. No comment.