Search results

  1. Oracle

    The Speaker's Desk

    Further Appointments: I hereby appoint @Veltvalen as Deputy Speaker. Looking forward to working with you this term. Now go take your oath.
  2. Oracle

    The Speaker's Desk

    Archiving In the interest of record-keeping, I will be archiving a plethora of threads that are over 1 year of age as of the end of August. The archived threads are below: Clarifying Vagueness in Peace Terms Amendment Election Commission Confirmation of Crushing Our Enemies and Siwale Marcus...
  3. Oracle

    [Passed] Confirmation of Vivanco and Gorundu as Election Commissioners

    The Delegate has appointed @Vivanco and @Gorundu to the Election Commission. I open the floor to discussion and debate on these appointments. Additionally, I welcome a statement from @St George in support of these appointments. Once moved, the motions that I will be putting to vote for these...
  4. Oracle

    The Speaker's Desk

    Further Appointments: I hereby appoint @Dyl, @Fregerson, and @Skaraborg as Deputy Speakers. I look forward to working with you all this term. Now go take your oaths.
  5. Oracle

    The Speaker's Desk

    Deputy Speaker Appointment Evening/Morning all! I will be posting an opening statement soon. But to ensure that this office is staffed with another body to assist with running the Regional Assembly, I am appointing @Bobberino as Deputy Speaker. I am excited to be working with Bob, who is a...
  6. Oracle

    Admin Requests

    And who said sloths were slow! Thanks Siwale :)
  7. Oracle

    Results: September 2021 Reopened Speaker Election

    Thank you to those who voted for me and to all those who voted in this election. It was an incredible race and exciting to see so many strong and qualified individuals run in this election. I look forward to working with everyone in this coming term. Be on the look out for an opening address soon.
  8. Oracle

    Admin Requests

    Can I be masked as Speaker per the results of the Speaker Election and my oath of office.
  9. Oracle

    Oaths of Office

    I, Oracle, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Speaker, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal, responsible, and...
  10. Oracle

    Reopened Voting: September 2021 General Election

    Speaker: 1. < Abstain >
  11. Oracle

    Oracle for Speaker V.3

    Oracle for Speaker of the Regional Assembly ~Beauty is the oracle that speaks to us all.~ It seems that time has come again...what am I even saying...another round of elections and someone thinks that I could make for a good speaker...again. So here goes round three. I have been a member of...
  12. Oracle

    Reopened Candidacy Declarations: September 2021 General Election

    Sure I’ll accept my nomination
  13. Oracle

    Temporary Election Commissioner

    Pry works for me.
  14. Oracle

    [Passed] Request for Exemption: Boston Castle

    No objections from me. Boston has shown to be an exemplary minister and I believe that they will continue to be one.
  15. Oracle

    Results - September 2021 General Election

    Congrats to those elected!
  16. Oracle

    Nubt II for Speaker: Improvement

    I guess my time as Speaker was obsolete guys :/
  17. Oracle

    Voting: September 2021 General Election

    Delegate: 1. St George 2. Dreadton 3. Comfed Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes Vice Delegate: 1. Sir Kasto 2. Lord Dominator Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes Speaker: 1. Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes
  18. Oracle

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2021 General Election

    What about vice delegate @TlomzKrano
  19. Oracle

    TNP Revolution Thread

    So you are supporting the notion of promoting one race above the others and the forcible suppression of opposition?
  20. Oracle

    TNP Revolution Thread

    a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of...
  21. Oracle

    TNP Revolution Thread

    Do you even understand what a fascist is? Like what they actually stand for or is it just some buzzword for you to use to try to get some attention?
  22. Oracle

    TNP Revolution Thread

    How has the fire started if there isn't any fuel? Wouldn't that just be a spark, not a fire?
  23. Oracle

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2021 General Election

    I nominate @TlomzKrano for Speaker and Vice Delegate
  24. Oracle

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2021 General Election

    I nominate @Dreadton for Vice delegate.
  25. Oracle

    The Libertarian-Ancap party

    Ok ok ok, I think that's enough spam for now.
  26. Oracle

    The Libertarian-Ancap party

    Where is your proof of they have barely any expereince in the ministry where they serve as Executive WA Affairs Deputy Minister for this past term? Interesting.
  27. Oracle

    The Libertarian-Ancap party

  28. Oracle

    New Minister of World Assembly Affairs

    No, you haven’t given any valid points of criticism just low level attempts at trolling.
  29. Oracle

    New Minister of World Assembly Affairs

    Lol just run along now. This is a momentous thread of accomplishment and your comments are just dragging it down.
  30. Oracle

    New Minister of World Assembly Affairs

    Do your research before making such incorrect statements. Then people might take what you have to say seriously.