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  1. Bryan

    Citizenship Applications

    What did I add? As I said, I no longer want to have citizenship in the TNP. Have a good time.
  2. Bryan

    Citizenship Applications

    Where did I go wrong? I simply give up citizenship here
  3. Bryan

    Inaugural Address, July 2024

    Your work is going well as a minister
  4. Bryan

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation:space kinderjoy bombom I pledge allegiance to the North Pacific and its territories, obedience to its laws, and responsible action as a member of its society. I promise to register only one nation to vote in the North Pacific. I promise that no nation under my control will wage war...
  5. Bryan

    Does anyone have any tips for the next z day?

    I want to know when the next z day will be and how I can prevent my nation from dying and some tips and ways for the cure if anyone can help with something I will be grateful because I think there will be one this year
  6. Bryan

    Any Advice on maintaining good civil rights?

    If you want to maintain the economy and civil rights, you are trying to be a libertarian police state. To do this, choose options that value rights without forgetting the economy.
  7. Bryan

    Who's the biggest nerd that TNP has to offer

    I agree with this line of reasoning.
  8. Bryan

    Who's the biggest nerd that TNP has to offer

    I think that in football and geography I can be on the list but there are also @Aerilia And But griddy is also a big nerd @Griddyland
  9. Bryan

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: space kinderjoy bombom I pledge allegiance to the North Pacific and its territories, obedience to its laws, and responsible action as a member of its society. I promise to register only one nation to vote in the North Pacific. I promise that register only one nation to vote in the North...
  10. Bryan

    Start a word with the third letter

  11. Bryan

    Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)

    nação Alegria gentil>KinderJoy's Armed Republic country rl Brasil Em que ramo você prefere NPASF Posso recrutar às 17:50 I Bryan me inscrever no exército para defender esta região Prometo ser fiel ao norte do pacífico e lutar pelo melhor na região
  12. Bryan

    Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)

    I want to withdraw my registration
  13. Bryan

    Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)

    tnp nation Alegria gentil>KinderJoy's Armed Republic country rl Brazil In which branch do you prefer NPASF Can I recruit at 17:50 I Bryan apply to join the army to defend this region I promise to be true to the north pacific and strive for the best in the region
  14. Bryan

    [projeto] Penalty of 2 years for anyone who offends, makes fun of or discriminates against the flag of another country

    uma pena de 2 anos de prisão a sentence of 2 years in prison for anyone who offends the flag of another country I created this law because a lot of people offended my flag, and I decided to create this law if it is passed I will be happy
  15. Bryan

    Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)

    Nação no TNP : Alegria gentil Nação atual da WA: Alegria gentil Divisão NPA nenhuma País do rl : Brasil I Bryan request
  16. Bryan

    [Projeto]mandatory voting law

    This project was made so that voting is mandatory Or not