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  1. Egalotir

    Map Discussion Thread

    Ohhh I did not realize it was that large. Righto, if Nierr could possibly...downsize that I would be very grateful.
  2. Egalotir

    Map Discussion Thread

    I chose a large map because we figured we would need the housing for all of the members, the housing for the judicial branch, and legislative assembly. Voting houses, etc. Not to mention the housing, supplying, ports, etc. for all of the helpers/advisers/general people from every region...
  3. Egalotir

    TNP Map Claims Thread

    Map claim for the Democratic Union:
  4. Egalotir

    Press Release 4.0

    Thank you everyone
  5. Egalotir


    This is a law that has already passed.
  6. Egalotir

    Voting Rights Convention

  7. Egalotir

    PASSED: Voting Rights Convention

    The Voting Rights Convention has passed 8 For, 1 Against, 0 abstains.
  8. Egalotir

    USONS - DU and NPTO relations.

    As temporary Chairman of the DU, my largest concern is the denial of Democratic processes within your nation. The very foundation of any Democratic, or semi-democratic nation is the establishment of elections and changes of government power. Your nation lacks both. Unless the DU sees efforts...
  9. Egalotir

    Diplomatic Corps

    I have processed everyone's applications. Thank you to everyone who has applied and has waited patiently! If you have any questions for me, please ask away. Thank you, Minister Egalotir
  10. Egalotir

    Voting: February 2015 Special Delegate Election

    Delegate: The Democratic Republic of Tomb Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  11. Egalotir

    Press Release 4.0

    Yes that's true and thanks for the delivery.
  12. Egalotir

    Press Release 4.0

    I updated the list, thank you for all of those that delivered their releases.
  13. Egalotir

    Diplomatic Corps

    I'll process these shortly please give me a little time.
  14. Egalotir

    Press Release 4.0

    Go ahead and take care of it Tomb. Thank you!
  15. Egalotir


    AH righto thanks!
  16. Egalotir

    Press Release 4.0

  17. Egalotir

    Press Release 4.0

    Here is the new press release for this month: The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps [hr]Representing our great region abroad [hr][/center]Ambassadorial assignments Treatied regions Albion: David_ Delivered Balder: Kostemetsia Delivered Equilism: Eluvatar Deliver Europeia: Alta Italia Delivered...
  18. Egalotir


    Can i get the FA Mentoring Program: in the newsbox to make sure all the ambassadors see it
  19. Egalotir

    Admin Requests

    Can I please get this topic pinned in the Diplomatic Corps: update: im dumb and can do it myself update2: Can i possibly have it pinned in the news box for a week to get everyone involved?
  20. Egalotir

    Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Mentoring Program

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mentoring Program Everyone who's worked in foreign affairs in NationStates knows the feeling of their first assignment as an ambassador. Maybe you've just gotten used to the community you joined some time ago, and now your job is to enter a whole new one and...
  21. Egalotir

    [CLOSED] Outer Space Treaty

    Egalotir signs the treaty.
  22. Egalotir

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    I have processed every application to date. If I somehow missed you, please let me know immediately. We have many positions open. I apologize for the delay.
  23. Egalotir

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    For all of those that applied to the FA, i will process your applications shortly. We have a lot of ambassador positions that have opened up.
  24. Egalotir

    Diplomatic Corps

    Request Accepted. Australia has freed up as a position.
  25. Egalotir

    ARCHIVED: Membership List

    The Allied States of Bustos has been added as an observer nation. Thanks!
  26. Egalotir

    Diplomatic Corps

    Thank you, I will update that promptly.
  27. Egalotir

    Bustos' Observer Status Application

    The Allied States of Bustos has gained enough votes for observer status and has been approved.
  28. Egalotir

    Cascadia's Application

    Cascadia currently has 21% sponsorship and is eligible for observer status.
  29. Egalotir

    Constitutional Amendments

    I definitely want more members input on this.