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  1. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Celebrating the Bill of Rights

    Please read my other comment. Im not opposee to amending the language. I was lamenting the fact that we dont really celebrate the holidays. :(
  2. PaulWallLibertarian42

    History: Winter Holiday Edition

    You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not pout, I'm telling you why........ Santa Claus is coming to town.... Wait a minute...Oh No! That isn't Santa....Thats...Thats.... Krampus!! That is right it is Krampus. Wait, who is Krampus...
  3. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Celebrating the Bill of Rights

    Well if we actually do something for it instead of just adding amending language of feel good holidays in our legal codes, then yeah I'm game.
  4. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Celebrating the Bill of Rights

    We dont even celebrate the holidays we have. The speaker just closes the vote threads if any for 24 hours. At least the Flemings (Flemingovianism and Lemmings Hah! =P Joking Flem) put on the blessing of the Sugar canes. I think TNP should actually celebrate the holidays on the books first...
  5. PaulWallLibertarian42

    The Speaker's Desk

    Oh muh gerd! Blast from thw past! I like
  6. PaulWallLibertarian42

    I shall declare my Candidacy for Dele....

    Also, an area I am weak in. Is the WA. When I first got here to NS..I jumped straight into the GA debates...I was a new player and got discouraged when my play style of my nations WA rep. Was called out for writing letters to the WA using Signatures and stuff vs. RP as speaking. So I would just...
  7. PaulWallLibertarian42

    I shall declare my Candidacy for Dele....

    It may change. There are things Id like to accomplish before taking the big seat. 1stly more TNP/NS experience. 2ndly to learn to be more concise. 3rd. Id like to continue to work in the NPA and get promoted. And maybe earn enough respect to work in the Defense Ministry. 4th. I enjoyed my...
  8. PaulWallLibertarian42

    I shall declare my Candidacy for Dele....

    Im serious you guys, I am planning to stand for Delegate in the May 2016 General Election. C'mon it isnt too soon to begin campaigning is it? So ask me questions. You know or don't
  9. PaulWallLibertarian42

    History: Winter Holiday Edition

    The Holly King and the Oak king, Seasonal Changes, and The Pagan Wheel of The Year *New Winter Holiday Series Content* Dar Williams - Christians and The Pagans The Holly King and The Oak king is a symbolic story about the constant battle and...
  10. PaulWallLibertarian42

    History: Winter Holiday Edition

    Christmas: Yule, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice; What's The Deal? (Santa Claus! Who is he? Where did he come From? A Brief History ) "....Yes Virgina, Santa Claus is Pagan too" *A blog post originally written in 2008.* So, I've been thinking a lot...
  11. PaulWallLibertarian42

    History: Winter Holiday Edition

    Christmas: Yule, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice; What's The Deal? (Part 5 - IV NO CHRISTMAS FOR YOU!) This is part five in my Winter holiday essay series, part six if you count my brief article on some of the Origins of Santa Claus. In the last official essay in this series we discussed the...
  12. PaulWallLibertarian42

    History: Winter Holiday Edition

    Christmas: Yule, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice; What's The Deal? (Part 4 - IV The Feast Of The Nativity and The Birth of Jesus.) The birth of Jesus of Nazareth is probably one of the widest known birthday accounts in the modern era. What presumably happened in this account is a Woman named...
  13. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Mod Requests

  14. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Admin Appreciation Thread

    All the Admins can share!
  15. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Admin Appreciation Thread

    The cashew and almond turtles are better. Pecans are good too. But too plain and original =P
  16. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Hi, I am Rhein!

    Hi im PWL! Resident Libertarian pain in the rear around here! Nice to meet you
  17. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Mod Requests

    Sorry. I posted a topic in the wrong place. Can I have someone with forum powers delete this topic or whatever applicable practice is followed?
  18. PaulWallLibertarian42

    The Democratic Union

    Yay! Finally got my Diebolds up above the requirement (for now) - been wanting to join for awhile.
  19. PaulWallLibertarian42

    All these campaign threads...

    All ur election threads r belong to us!
  20. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Your Current Mood in Emoticons

    :eyebrow: :horror: :n2d
  21. PaulWallLibertarian42

    ARCHIVED: President Washington must make a new Justice Apointee

    (OOC: It should be understood that President Washington took a 4 day holiday on Thanksgiving week Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, came back to the office on Moday and besides a little side trip to Guslantis and narrowly escaping with his life at the Pigletville ball, has been working...
  22. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Citizenship Bill

    The same problem now..citizen/RA
  23. PaulWallLibertarian42

    The Un-Campaign Rally!

    Shut up roman you know youre representing the unholy trio! Romes/falap jan 2015!
  24. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Foreign Envoys

    Oh muh gerd its zenny!
  25. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Citizenship Bill

    So what was flawed with the registered voters law that it was disbanded? And if office holding was not included could we not confir a right to hold office to registered voters as well?
  26. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: The Democratic States of LibertarianLand Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: none really, I have done a few Role plays - working in an ongoing one though its in innermission right now and I plan...
  27. PaulWallLibertarian42

    The Discordian Act

    Bob. I <3 you. I once created my own discordian deity Mewewf (Pronounced M-oo-f yet spelled Mewewf)
  28. PaulWallLibertarian42

    I shall declare my Candidacy for Dele....

    Idunnoman. I did like my first AG csmpaign back in April I think.
  29. PaulWallLibertarian42

    Delegacy Campaign Decalaration

    Wow. You really are god of TNP you can see into the future!