Search results

  1. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    It's amusing to me that we don't find others reaching this conclusion. I'm sure insulting citizens of The North Pacific for disagreeing with you will be a stellar way to persuade other citizens here that you mean well and keep that treaty on the books though. When I briefly joined the NPO, it...
  2. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    The assertion that I am "historically opposed" to the Balder government is a gross oversimplification. I was the first Pharaoh of Osiris to pursue positive relations with Balder and the one under whom the first treaty alliance with Balder was negotiated and ratified, at my urging. I was Scribe...
  3. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    And if it was intended that they should apply to Basic Laws, that would obviously be specified in the very separate process for amending Basic Laws, which requires a vote by the Riksdag followed by a vote of the entire citizenry, and supermajorities for both votes. Are you honestly asking us to...
  4. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    The Monarch does not have any emergency power to suspend, dissolve, amend, or repeal Basic Laws. She has the legal power to make royal decrees that have the force of law -- statutory law -- unless repealed by the Riksdag. This power was modeled after Europeia's power of executive order, a power...
  5. Cormac

    Ministry Applications

    Minister of: Communications Please outline your goals for the Ministry: I would like to produce an edition of The Northern Lights ideally every two weeks, no less than once per month. I would like to see The Northern Lights remain fact-based rather than agenda-driven. The goal will be solid...
  6. Cormac

    Request for Review: NPAF Non-Disclosure to the Regional Assembly

    I thank the Court for its time, despite this ruling actually being in many ways less clear than the law.
  7. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    So the solution to corruption -- and I look forward to you providing examples of that, as you still have not provided examples for your two other straw men, popularity contests and mob mentalities -- is to unilaterally and without democratic process, dissolve legally mandated institutions? That...
  8. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    You are disenfranchising anyone whose WA status is committed elsewhere and who was previously able to vote. You act like committing their WA to Balder is a simple matter, but the fact is that some people already have their WA nations committed to another region, or to another region's military...
  9. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    Except the elected Riksdag was also inactive, which was part of the reason it was expanded to an assembly in the first place. The difference is that the elected Riksdag was transformed into an assembly through normal, constitutional legislative procedures, and not by royal decree. Balder's...
  10. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    Rach, I honestly just have one simple question because you keep evading this point: Why restrict the forum component of the legislature to elected citizens instead of keeping it open to all citizens? It won't be "easier than ever" to participate in the legislature, because previously all you...
  11. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    Malicious or not, suspension of democracy should always be a major concern for The North Pacific. "Restructuring" that occurs outside the rule of law and without institutional democratic oversight and input is restructuring that should not occur unless there is absolutely no alternative. Liberal...
  12. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    It's not hard to know what is more democratic. A legislature comprised of WA residents and any non-WA resident who registers on the forum and applies for citizenship is more democratic than a legislature comprised of WA residents and a small number of elected citizens. That isn't a matter of...
  13. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    Who were these people? Did they constitute a majority of the Riksdag? If the idea was so universally popular and you weren't worried about resistance to it, why didn't you propose it to the Riksdag instead of taking unilateral action by royal decree? Why do you think an elected forum legislature...
  14. Cormac

    Ministry Applications

    It looks like Separatist Peoples and I have similar goals, and part of the reason I applied was because SP hadn't yet and I thought they may be retiring from the ministry. I think SP is a good Minister and should continue serving, so I withdraw my above application. I would be willing to serve...
  15. Cormac

    Ministry Applications

    Minister of: World Assembly Affairs Please outline your goals for the Ministry: My goals would be: Prompt posting of WA proposals, summaries, and recommendations for discussion and voting, as soon after a proposal reaches quorum as is practical. This will be helpful to the Delegate in...
  16. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    So, to summarize: 1. The legislature was suspended by you, unilaterally, without any democratic institution mandating its suspension and with no democratic oversight. It was suspended because you say it was underperforming, nevermind that it was created because the previous elected legislature...
  17. Cormac

    A Big Thank You

    Can you describe the democratic process involved in repeal of the previous Basic Laws and establishment of this new structure? Can you explain how reverting to an elected, representative forum legislature -- reversion to government by popularity contest, basically -- is grounded in an ideology...
  18. Cormac

    Voting: May 2015 Special Delegate Election

    Delegate: Eluvatar Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  19. Cormac

    Eluvatar for Delegate Platform

    Do you believe the NPAF should be required to disclose operations to the Regional Assembly while they are ongoing, provided reasonable exceptions are made for classification of sensitive operations, or do you believe disclosure after an operation is sufficient?
  20. Cormac

    A GradeA Delegate

  21. Cormac

    Candidacy Declarations: May 2015 Special Delegate Election

    I second Eluvatar and nominate Flemingovia.
  22. Cormac


    Sorry to hear about whatever disturbing telegram you've received. The proper way to go about disagreements is to handle them through the proper channels, and while obviously I'm not sorry to see you leave office as I was trying to recall you, I'm sorry to see it happen under such troubling...
  23. Cormac

    Discussion from Flemingovia's Criminal Complaint

    While I believe that Delegate Tomb was primarily at fault, I do not agree that former Minister Eluvatar was acting "under duress." The former Minister had the option to resign rather than carrying out the Delegate's directive, opted instead to carry out the directive, and is therefore partially...
  24. Cormac


    Thanks Darcania. And don't sweat it, much worse arguments happen in NationStates every day. :P
  25. Cormac


    I'm glad you'll still be residing here. Regional politics and government aren't for everyone, but I have a feeling we'll be seeing you again. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do in NationStates and of course in the real world.
  26. Cormac

    Voting: May 2015 Speaker Runoff Election

    Speaker: Abstain
  27. Cormac

    Cabinet Announcement

    Given what he pulled with Lord Lore, I don't think it's unlikely that he has planned to replace Eluvatar for quite some time without Eluvatar knowing anything about it.
  28. Cormac

    Cabinet Announcement

    There was no application process for Minister of Communications, for what it's worth. I believe the Delegate intended to replace Eluvatar all along, using Gladio's superior application as his excuse. He was fortunate to have instead been provided with the excuse that Eluvatar never filled out...
  29. Cormac

    Questions for Zenny

    I think that's a mighty big assumption to make about someone who has carried herself with a great deal of integrity here, GBM. It's not like supporting a coup against another GCR is some trumped up B.S. concern, it's a legitimate concern and one the RA should weigh in on.
  30. Cormac

    Tomb For You!

    In light of this, you no longer deserve my support for Delegate, nor do you have it, and I have cast my vote for Malvad. I only wish there were enough time for your reprehensible behavior to matter. Additionally, I will no longer serve as your Minister of Communications, and as I have no...