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  1. Scandigrad

    [discussion] The Democratic Union

    What we really need is a rp regional assembly. The due has taken on an alliance role
  2. Scandigrad

    Tech Levels [Discussion]

    I'd agree with this. As was mentioned before, there are plenty of things that are MT possible, but not done due to treaty obligations or funds. Railguns are a great example of this. I'm willing to support the idea of things that can exist in modern tech, and as always the RP mods can keep an eye...
  3. Scandigrad

    [discussion] Embassies

    Perhaps an additional function would be to lodge diplomatic cables. Grievances or commendations toward a government
  4. Scandigrad

    [Discussion] Map of the North Pacific

    Also, if a reboot is done, will any attempt be made to maintain the basic location of nations that already reside on the map?
  5. Scandigrad

    [Discussion] Map of the North Pacific

    May I ask why you thought a scale was a bad idea? I feel that a scale is a good thing; it makes a nation deal with the strengths or weaknesses of their topography. It universalizes something, and puts all nations on a level playing field so to speak.
  6. Scandigrad

    OOC: airSCANDIGRAD Flight 433

    Wait you lost me. I thought you were just Enumenorian hostages and the Enumernorian government when we got to that point...
  7. Scandigrad

    [Discussion] Map of the North Pacific

    The problem is almost every single claim needs tweaking, especially with all these islands everywhere. Nierr, as the one who's now in charge of the map, could you explain what a reboot or a redraw process would look like? I think that would clarify what we are talking about.
  8. Scandigrad

    [discussion] Multi-Species in TNP

    I don't think the intent of this convention is to make rules, but rather reach a community consensus. Also, to address what some people have said before, if you don't like what the other person is doing, don't roleplay with them. They'll get the message. And if someone's taking a thread...
  9. Scandigrad

    [Discussion] Map of the North Pacific

    Knowing this is going to be the most controversial, I believe that a reboot is in order. As McM said, we've been through multiple maps, some better than others. This one, in concept is great. I like it a lot. The geography makes sense, and all that happened was that it got destroyed by image...
  10. Scandigrad

    [discussion] RP Administration matters

    I'd like to see the addition of at least one more RP Moderator, personally. Threadjacking and realism issues have also decreased significantly with the introduction of the RP mod system. I'd like to see increased use of both the Realism Megathread and the Roleplay Moderator Megathread. Any...
  11. Scandigrad

    [discussion] Multi-Species in TNP

    Personally I really would not be interested in RPing with non-human species. To me, it just makes the entire situation difficult, and breaks away from Modern Tech, because with non-human species there is a tendency to introduce stuff like magic. And I can't fade magic.
  12. Scandigrad


    The Ministry of Culture proudly presents... The Lennarts Best Flag The flag is the identifying feature of a nation. While there are many languages and cultures, one thing remains steadfast: humans are visual learners. We make judgments on a nation based off their flag. So who has the best one...
  13. Scandigrad

    Rebel Outer-Communications Centre

    The Cronaalian government insists that you are conducting numerous war crimes. What is your response to these claims? Very respectfully, Chad Gallagher Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scandigrad
  14. Scandigrad

    OOC: airSCANDIGRAD Flight 433

    Cron, just keep in mind that at 5am, pubs aren't open ;) Just make sure to denote time, especially in these opening posts because some intros may start at different points. Once we're all on the same page, they can be dropped. That's really some advice to everyone.
  15. Scandigrad

    OOC: airSCANDIGRAD Flight 433

    Just thought I'd give some inspiration.
  16. Scandigrad

    OOC: airSCANDIGRAD Flight 433

    The glorious IC thread
  17. Scandigrad

    ARCHIVED: airSCANDIGRAD flight 433

    OOC Thread: Dope OOC Thread [hr] Paradise Motel Commungs International Airport Commungs, Plembobria *veeerp* *veeeerp* *veeerp* CPT Frank Casper could barely make out the red dials on the clock that had abruptly interrupted his sleep. Or at least what he thought was sleep. It was impossible...
  18. Scandigrad

    A Happy Bootsie Engagement

    Whoo! Congrats!
  19. Scandigrad

    OOC: airSCANDIGRAD Flight 433

    Based on the suggestion by Plemboria. Original here. Whilst I may be starting this thread, Plem should be looked to as the OP of this thread, and the roleplay. Cast: Scandigrad: Pilot, Co-pilot, Flight ops/airSCANDIGRAD corporate Plembobria: MISID agents, hostages Cronaal: Hijackers Malvad...
  20. Scandigrad

    New Constitutional Ratification

    IAW Section VI, this treaty will take full effect once two-thirds of the member states ratify it. Member states will ratify this treaty through their normal means of treaty ratification. Once ratified all member states are expected to comply immediately. This treaty will be signed by member...
  21. Scandigrad

    The Democratic Union

    All applications are being deferred until after the constitution is ratified. Affected nations include: Cronaal The Andulan Union Sirisea Tronkandal Zemnaya Svoboda I apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.
  22. Scandigrad

    PROPOSAL: Constitution Rewrite

    Looks good to me. Can I get a second to Egal's motion to a vote?
  23. Scandigrad

    Realism megathread/ Q&A

    After misplacing Egal's Space realism consultation, I finally added it. Also, I'd love to get a few more consultants, particularly those with economic knowledge. PM me if interested.
  24. Scandigrad

    What are you listening to?
  25. Scandigrad

    Invitation from TSP

    I've got work at 0600 EST until 1200, but my sleep schedule reflects this, so if it could not go to midnight, that'd be great.
  26. Scandigrad

    Admin Requests

    Sorry to be blunt, but neither of these appear to have been implemented. I was under the impression that they were when McM said "done". Were they completed or not? EDIT: Also, I have lost the ability to moderate several sections of the DU subfolders. It appears that RP mods have moderating...
  27. Scandigrad

    Let's start a new RP

    Wilco. I'll get to it tomorrow afternoon EST.