Search results

  1. Tree of Wisdom

    Tree of Wisdom for Speaker

    3. I love this question! I agree the oath isn’t the place to try to offer some kind of mentoring program. But yes. If elected I do plan on establishing a program where myself, Deputy Speakers, and other senior members can volunteer to help new citizens with writing legislation, talk about their...
  2. Tree of Wisdom

    Tree of Wisdom for Speaker

    1. Thank you! I do like to be outside the box sometimes. If I can encourage discussion, and get participation into something as big as the FoIA Reform Act is, and could potentially be, then this is most certainly a thing I will look into. As for amending the standing procedures, I will certainly...
  3. Tree of Wisdom

    Tree of Wisdom for Speaker

    1. Well my apologies I’ll refer you to my updated platform for my ideas. While I said if there is movement on a potential bill, I never moved it to a vote. I’m a very communicative person so I said if there’s movement we can schedule if the author has the right requirements. As I said in my...
  4. Tree of Wisdom

    Tree of Wisdom for Speaker

    Freg I think is a good speaker. I don’t think they did anything that was bad honestly. Freg was super cool when I signed up to help out, and taught me a few things to look for in citizenship applications. While I do agree Gameside Advocates can absolutely do the same work. But the difference is...
  5. Tree of Wisdom

    Tree of Wisdom for Speaker

    Dear Citizens of TNP; It’s that time again! Election season is among us! I am proud to announce I am running for Regional Assembly Speaker. I think I’ll make a good speaker because I’m a new, eager, fresh face, and ready to get to work! I’ve had the opportunity to work with some great leaders...
  6. Tree of Wisdom

    Fregerson for Speaker: Reflections & Moving Forward

    No questions from me. I certainly have enjoyed working with you, and the other deputy speakers this term. Thank you for your patience, guidance, and helping me get settled in the role! Look forward to working with you again in the next term!
  7. Tree of Wisdom

    Candidacy Declarations: January 2022 General Election

    I appreciate the nomination! I will accept the nomination to run for Speaker! I hereby nominate the following; Delegate: @Sir Kasto, @TlomzKrano Vice Delegate: @Sir Kasto , @Pallaith, and @Sil Dorsett Speaker: @bootsie , @Fregerson
  8. Tree of Wisdom

    Betty White 100 Count on salute

    In honor of Betty White, let’s get a count off salut to 100 to celebrate her life here in the World! I’ll go first 1
  9. Tree of Wisdom

    New Treaty between UDS and FNR

    Thank you for the update!! Happy New Years!
  10. Tree of Wisdom

    [PASSED] FoIA Reform Act

    I know. I’m just waiting to if it gets motioned.
  11. Tree of Wisdom

    [PASSED] FoIA Reform Act

    If everyone is fine with the idea, I’ll setup the vote today, and link this debate thread to the vote so that debate may continue.
  12. Tree of Wisdom

    The Royal Messenger - December 2021

    Thank you for the update!! Greatly appreciated!! Happy New Years to everyone in your region!
  13. Tree of Wisdom

    Citizenship Applications

    While you didn’t post on the forum within 30 days until today. But since your masking wasn’t removed, you are good on your citizenship. So you are still a citizen as of right now.
  14. Tree of Wisdom

    Registered Residents

    Yes you may! Feel free to apply for citizenship!
  15. Tree of Wisdom

    THTHI Updates

    Thank you for the update! Always great to hear from your region! Happy New Years to you! I apologize the talks didn’t get off the ground.
  16. Tree of Wisdom

    Registered Residents

    Both are masked as residents. I encourage you to check out filling a citizenship application out! Link is below!
  17. Tree of Wisdom

    Citizenship Applications

    Correct. Our VD will process that soon. Once I see that’s done, I’ll get you masked.
  18. Tree of Wisdom

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Accepted!! Once your citizenship is processed fully, I’ll be getting in touch with you about the details!
  19. Tree of Wisdom

    Citizenship Applications

    @Brasesco , and @Lively pass the Speakers Check.
  20. Tree of Wisdom

    Citizenship Applications

    @Aldordia , and @TEOTNA passes the Speaker’s check.
  21. Tree of Wisdom

    Citizenship Applications

    @Jan Mackistan passes the Speaker check
  22. Tree of Wisdom

    Citizenship Applications

    @Godristan passes the Speakers check. Our Vice Delegate will do their check shortly.
  23. Tree of Wisdom

    Citizenship Applications

    @Capybaraa passes the Speakers check. Our Vice Delegate, and Admin team will do their checks soon.
  24. Tree of Wisdom

    [PASSED] FoIA Reform Act

    Honestly this is a very reasonable proposal. Given the grounds we had laws contradicting one another, and I think you did very well expressing how these changes will be. I like the fact it keeps it simple, and cleans up the legislation as a whole.
  25. Tree of Wisdom

    [Shelved] Constitutional Amendment legal clerk establishment

    I envision them more as Legal Clerks who will be able to learn from the Justices, get the priority of being appointed temporary hearing officers when needed, and answer legal questions
  26. Tree of Wisdom

    [Shelved] Constitutional Amendment legal clerk establishment

    I would agree with you if it wasn’t mentioned in the Regional Assembly section that the Speaker can appoint deputies. I think this is a good thing to have here in the court section. Development of future justices isn’t a bad idea. When writing it, I felt this was the best area for this...
  27. Tree of Wisdom

    [Shelved] Constitutional Amendment legal clerk establishment

    I believe this change is vital because it gives citizens the opportunity to learn how to lead the courts. But more importantly we want to develop citizens for a better tomorrow.
  28. Tree of Wisdom

    [Shelved] Constitutional Amendment legal clerk establishment

    Article 4. The Court 1. The Court will try all criminal cases and review the constitutionality of laws or legality of government policies and actions. 2. Reviews of laws or government policies and actions must be made by request of an affected party unless there is a compelling regional...
  29. Tree of Wisdom

    The Conservative Party Coalition

    (Work in progress! If you are interested in joining, comment or send me a message!)
  30. Tree of Wisdom

    The Conservative Party Coalition

    The Conservative Party Coalition The North Pacific Conservative Party coalition is a serious party that looks to honors The North Pacific traditions, ensuring the freedoms, and pursuit of happiness is met, and always empowering the citizens to lead our great community we all call home. While...