Search results

  1. Icamera

    Informal Discussion: Changes to Standing Regional Assembly Procedures

    Ah, that makes sense. My first reaction was that we were talking about a whole 'nother category for voting. :P
  2. Icamera

    Venezuela Offers Snowden Asylum

    Probably not Venezuela; if I recall correctly, it's got one of the highest kidnapping rates and is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, along with the democratic issues left behind by Chavismo. I do think I'd look into South America, though -- I know enough Spanish to hold a...
  3. Icamera

    Forum problems

    I've been getting a lot of "Your request timed out. Please retry the request." messages when trying to post, if that's at all connected to the previous forum problems. It seems to come from hanging around on the Fast Reply box, then switching to the Full Reply Screen.
  4. Icamera

    Informal Discussion: Changes to Standing Regional Assembly Procedures

    I'll read through this a few more times, but here are the two sections that stood out the most to me during the first glance: While I recognize that there are no parts of this clause being amended, I do feel that some revision is needed for the first sentence. If TNP's legislative system is like...
  5. Icamera

    TAR Regional Insider - July 2013

    Looks like President TNR has been handling our embassy here, but he hasn't registered on our ambassador re-enlistment to handle TNP again. So, here's our most recent update. Enjoy! Regional Insider - July 2013 THE ALLIED REPUBLICS by Delegate Obito Current Administration: President: The...
  6. Icamera

    informal discussion - Membership criteria

    As someone whose opinion doesn't matter as much, and one of those new guys who seemingly disappeared right after joining (for a Fourth of July weekend vacation), I'd say that I feel RA membership should be a fundamental right, just as citizenship (RA membership's rough equivalent) is a...
  7. Icamera

    The Allied Republics

    The name of your region: The Allied Republics A link to your region's forums: Head of Government/Head of State: President The Northern Republic (NS Nation) Minister for Foreign Affairs (or similar): WA Delegate Obito A short description of your region: Ridiculously...
  8. Icamera

    Word Disassociation

  9. Icamera

    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    Ah. Been there, done that... except usually, I'm the one bugging TAR's admins to mask people I've recruited. ;) Don't worry, I'll be patient.
  10. Icamera

    Registered Citizens

    I'm a TNPer and my TNP nation is Icamera II.
  11. Icamera

    I think...

    I think that Carthage must be destroyed.
  12. Icamera

    Morsi ousted by military

    That's what I'd hope for, too, emphasis on the "elected" part; simply installing a pro-West leader without considering the desires of the people would place the government at risk once more, perhaps even leading to greater anti-Western sentiments. Of course, if Egypt is lucky enough to land an...
  13. Icamera

    Last letter -> First letter

  14. Icamera

    Word Association

  15. Icamera

    Three Word Story

    ...fear among the...
  16. Icamera


    Birds, whether we're talking food or nature appreciation. Breakfast or dinner?
  17. Icamera

    Morsi ousted by military

    And that's exactly what I've been afraid of, ever since the Tahrir Square protests against Hosni Mubarak. Sure, my first reaction was a celebration of Egypt's apparent movement towards democracy; but right after Mubarak stepped down, I realized that the nation might become even worse, or at...
  18. Icamera

    Foreign Envoys

    Well, I'd like to be masked as an Envoy on behalf of The Allied Republics, but I also plan on staying actively involved within TNP itself as a citizen (jeez, that sounds like I'm just another foreign meddler :P ). So, if it would exclude me from participating fully and enjoying everything the...
  19. Icamera

    Military Sign Up!

    Nation in TNP: Icamera II Current WA Nation: Icamera NPA Division: Regional Guard; there's an outside chance that I'll be able to participate in Auxiliary work on occasion, though, especially if it's really needed. Other military or non-military organizations you are involved in: Secretary of...
  20. Icamera

    Which issue am I waiting for?

    Oh, there are plenty of issues in the list with at least one radical option which would drastically curtail political freedom, and several more which have minor decreases. For a rapid drop, I know I'd recommend waiting for #000: "Should Democracy Be Compulsory?", then choosing the third option...
  21. Icamera

    Hello, TNP!

    Yep, just did a few minutes ago!
  22. Icamera

    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    Nation in TNP: Icamera II WA Nation: Icamera I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of Icamera, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no...
  23. Icamera

    Hello, TNP!

    I'm Icamera, and -- to be perfectly honest -- what brought me to TNP today was the opportunity to swing Jamie's 465 votes on my current GA proposal. However, I've long been considering involvement in GCR politics, and TNP has always been the most attractive option to me; at least on the surface...