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  1. saintpeter

    Admin Requests Not sure if the request is possible, so just leaving it here.
  2. saintpeter

    Citizenship and Residency Updates

    I cannot find any records of your prior citizenship. I will point the admins to your account-related request.
  3. saintpeter

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @Cosmosplosion and @wisso have failed to post on the forums and/or RMB for 30 days and will be remasked as resident. Residents @Ofira and @SherpDaWerp have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked members.
  4. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    @Domannia has passed all three checks and is now a citizen. @Joshbly has passed the Speaker's check and is granted citizenship conditional on passing the Vice Delegate's check.
  5. saintpeter

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Accepted. I'll PM you shortly.
  6. saintpeter

    Voting: November 2020 Judicial Election

    Court Justice: 1. Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  7. saintpeter

    saintpeter for Justice - Ἐγώ πᾰρέξω τὴν δῐ́κην

    Interesting question. My main reason for submitting it was to create clarity as to the Deputies' liability in the issue and I am happy it has been resolved. I was at the other side of the argument at first, but your and LRW's briefs made a compelling case for the respondent. Of course, I would...
  8. saintpeter

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @Mardessa failed to post on the forums and/or RMB in the last 30 days and will be remasked as resident.
  9. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    @Nalver And, @MatthewDimasi and @Valkyst have passed the Speaker's check and are granted citizenship condititional on passing the other checks.
  10. saintpeter

    saintpeter for Justice - Ἐγώ πᾰρέξω τὴν δῐ́κην

    That is an interesting question. I am not sure what I believe the single biggest threat is, but not that long ago we saw that improper private contact between counsel and justice is an important threat. Of course, I seek to prevent this. While THO, some defendants reached out to me; I always...
  11. saintpeter

    [R4R] The power of the Speaker to require Deputy Speakers to break their oath

    Brief for Petitioner In the matter of The power of the Speaker to require Deputy Speakers to break their oath Submitted by saintpeter, Petitioner, in his capacity as Deputy Speaker of the Regional Assembly Mr Chief Justice and may it please the Court: The petition the Court faces today is one...
  12. saintpeter

    saintpeter for Justice - Ἐγώ πᾰρέξω τὴν δῐ́κην

    Thank you. I do not think that the position of Justice is the ideal position for any person seeking to sabotage the region, given that there are two other Justices who can keep your power in check. However, if two Justices decided to sabotage the region, they would have a broad range of tools...
  13. saintpeter

    [R4R] The power of the Speaker to require Deputy Speakers to break their oath

    The Honourable @Zyvetskistaahn: I do not seek to apply for the recusal of any Justice or THO at this moment.
  14. saintpeter

    saintpeter for Justice - Ἐγώ πᾰρέξω τὴν δῐ́κην

    In addition to the above, and based on the current events surrounding the citizenship application of Wonderess, I would note that I am of the opinion that the Court ought to create procedures for emergency applications for injunctive relief, but only in a narrow set of circumstances...
  15. saintpeter

    The Speaker's Desk

    Mr Speaker: The following may be of your interest:
  16. saintpeter

    [R4R] The power of the Speaker to require Deputy Speakers to break their oath

    1. What law, government policy, or action (taken by a government official) do you request that the Court review? November 2, 2020, the Speaker noted the following: In the same thread, it was clarified that this also meant Deputies are not allowed to process the application. The specific action...
  17. saintpeter

    Word Association

  18. saintpeter

    Last letter -> First letter

  19. saintpeter

    saintpeter for Justice - Ἐγώ πᾰρέξω τὴν δῐ́κην

    To Whom It May Concern: I am running during the November judicial election. I the relatively short time I have been here, I have become Deputy Minister of WA Affairs and Deputy Speaker. It would be a great honour to serve as a Justice at the Court of the North Pacific. Besides great motivation...
  20. saintpeter

    [Accelerator - SC] Commend Northern Borland

    Agreed. Voting to Accept.
  21. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    @The Empire Of Sirbil has passed the Speaker's check, as well as the administrators' check, and is granted citizenship conditional upon passing the Vice Delegate's check.
  22. saintpeter

    [Discussion - GA - Passed] Defense of Critical Services

    It isn't about whether they should let them in as much that this can force a nation to allow a hostile army to operate. Sure, only as long as they appear to reduce civilian harm, but the problem is that such can change quite quickly, and if tactically abused, can be a major set-back for a nation...
  23. saintpeter

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @Aria_Heart failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as a member. @Boda, @ATypicalGoverner, @Santalcine, @Islands of Washington, @Londinensi, @Zæd, @Rusni, @Alfafar, and @Millius Prime have failed post on the forum or RMB in 30 days and so will be remasked as residents...
  24. saintpeter

    Timing Amendment to Security Council Disclosure

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 14-day deadline seems to apply only that actively requested information, not all the information the VD is currently working on declassifying.