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  1. TAO

    Dylan Hears a Who!

    TAO liked it. Of course, TAO still wishes Dylan could here the key and stay in it.
  2. TAO

    Set update times

    Then how about a cycling update that hits every 36 hours to make things a bit more fair to those who can't stay up until 26 or 27 o'clock every night.
  3. TAO

    Rules for AdSpammers

    As a CommRanger, TAO could easily argue that this region's RMB doesn't have to plastered with spam all day every day IF the residents of theis region ... specifically the ones who are so interested in the welfare of the region that they join the RA and run for other gov positions .. IF the...
  4. TAO

    Rules for AdSpammers

    We have the FAQ and we have the One Stop Rules Shop but few newbs ever take the time to read either because of ignorance (or "lack of knowledge", if you prefer). As a result, our RMB is illegally spammed by newb groups every day. As a CommRanger, TAO has notified several violators by TG and/or...
  5. TAO

    I Am...

    I am putting my wife on a plane in the morning and she will be going to Russia for 10 days. This will be the farthest and longest we have been apart in 26 years. TAO is excited for her opportunity but sad about her having to go in the morning.
  6. TAO

    MiniCommer Question Time

    It is a standing date. :hug: EVERY TIME YOU LOG IN HERE ... opena new tab/window and log in to your TNP nation and post on the RMB. Move the board along and let new players know this region is alive. Otherwise, the spammers win their minds and their active participation. :jack:
  7. TAO

    WotN Break Ties with LWU!

    The Merit Consul burn-out rate is well-known all over NS, SD. Even TAO knows (and TAO avoids the Merit whenever possible.)
  8. TAO

    No banning?

    TAO suggested an alternative to banjection in the Update thread ... it went like this: What if banjection were randomized. Maybe it doesn't work all the time. Maybe you could banject until your banject button overloaded and you had to wait til next time to ban again (and hope it worked all...
  9. TAO

    Set update times

    TAO likes that HC. And it would be nice if banjection powers worked with a randomness, too. Imagine the DRAMA experienced by a sitting duck delegate as s/he discovers the banject button has a busy signal until next half update.
  10. TAO

    the only way

    :rofl: :worship: Ban the PimpleHeaded <phrase pre-empted>
  11. TAO

    The Wolfist Manifesto!

    You just had to go and say it, didn't you Flem! (Of course, most of us have been thinking it for months.) TAO agrees the big draw to this game (IMO) is the sense of belonging and community built up over the past <insert your years experience here> years. And TAO also acknowledges your point...
  12. TAO

    The Wolfist Manifesto!

  13. TAO

    WotN Break Ties with LWU!

    You can have your rant, Blackbird, but the truth in my words still stand. The OPINIONS of defenders v the OPINIONS of raiders are moral self-perceptions. Who is right? Depends on who is answering the question. On a side note ... if you really think the South considers the War of Northern...
  14. TAO

    The Wolfist Manifesto!

    Oh MO ... you wound me! TWP never did that with regularity. They should have, though. And after reading Darkesia's post, TAO thinks back to the TAO Maneuver and realizes it would probably work. Becoming the delegate of two feeder regions in 24 hours would really stir things up a bit. Ah yes...
  15. TAO

    WotN Break Ties with LWU!

    TAO is not suggesting a replacement of the NPA, EM, but an enhancement. The language of the Legal Code makes room for an auxilliary force that also is responsible for defending TNP when the need arises. WoTN could be such an auxilliary force. And ATM, there is no formal/official...
  16. TAO

    WotN Break Ties with LWU!

    TAO has read and reread and rereread the TNP Constitution And Legal Code and other than the part stating the NPA is a Defender organization and that invaders are scum, in the opinion of those who putthe Constitution and Code together, there is nothing which indicates that WoTN would be violating...
  17. TAO

    Campaign Against Spam Warning Center

    If you could get them to stop including just this one part of the message ... ... the world would be a much better place. That would shave off a third of the spamminess and it would assume a more intelligent newb player resides in the region. (Intelligent newb players do reside in the region...
  18. TAO

    WotN Break Ties with LWU!

    And Upper Kirby is the most charming of all. While TAO does understand and appreciate MO's opinion, all this does make you wonder what the fear really is.
  19. TAO

    CommRangers Today!

    Anyone interested in becoming a CommRanger?
  20. TAO

    WotN Break Ties with LWU!

    You confuse take-over attempts from others as raider attempts. You ARE tired. :eyebrow: TAO has come to think that all of you who decry the outrages of raiders are secretly raider supporters who understand that defenders without raiders are like cowboys without indians, or Yankees without...
  21. TAO

    WotN Break Ties with LWU!

    Duality is the real problem TAO sees in denying the Wolves an opportunity at Feeder politics. And worse ... a removal to userite regions, as others have said. Either way, raiders are denied chances of becoming feeder-regulated and feeder-integrated powers who give of themselves for the good of...
  22. TAO

    CommRangers Today!

    Being a CommRanger is more a way of playing than anything else but a style of play that promotes the on-site RMB aspect of the game as much as the off-site forums are promoted. IMO, the Game started on the RMBs and the forums were the after-thought (and a good one, to be sure) yet it was and is...
  23. TAO

    CommRangers Today!

    If you really do agree ... you are welcome to become TNP CommRangers. :yes:
  24. TAO

    CommRangers Today!

    ADMIN and TAO both. Thanks for the assist, everyone who participated. Doing this together at regular (or irregular) intervals would go a long way in making the RMB a TNP possession.
  25. TAO

    MiniCommer Question Time

    Does anyone have time RIGHT NOW to spare clearing spam on the RMB? TAO is waiting for an answer and a partner ... or two ... or three ... or more.
  26. TAO

    Embassy of Lone Wolves United

    TAO is waiting on the edge of his ... ice floe ... for the announcement.
  27. TAO

    Hello Region

    You made a good first step ... you joined the forum. Welcome to TNP. One great way to participate in the region and get your name into public view is to become a TNP spam-buster on the RMB (region message board). If interested, contact Comm Ministers Upper Kirby or Deputy Tresville.
  28. TAO

    Hello TNP

    Zeta in da house!!! Watch the post count soar!
  29. TAO

    Embassy of Lone Wolves United

    TAO justs want to tell people to be nice to Darkesia ... she is hawt!!! And a spam-buster princess. OK ... TAO will leave now. PS ... nice digs, BW.
  30. TAO

    Campaign Against Spam Warning Center

    No news is GREAT news. But we all know the spammers return ... like the red tide. TAO is very excited that TNP is willing to field a team or teams dedicated to spam-busting. The RMB belongs to the region and not to the Userites who come here to lie and steal. And spam-busting, along with...