Search results

  1. Nev


  2. Nev

    The Luscova Pact

  3. Nev


  4. Nev


  5. Nev


  6. Nev


  7. Nev


  8. Nev

    Scraps of Roleplaying

  9. Nev


  10. Nev

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

    I have stated my reasons and pitched my RP idea for the expansion in the discord and am open to further discussions if this is unacceptable. Ultimately, I would be okay if I was given a reason why if this would be rejected as I do have a backup RP idea should this not pan out. This claim should...
  11. Nev

    Aurorian Economic Alliance

  12. Nev

    The Luscova Pact

  13. Nev

    Scraps of Roleplaying

  14. Nev

    Plant A Tree!

    5053 trees
  15. Nev


  16. Nev

    Plant A Tree!

    5050 trees
  17. Nev


  18. Nev

    Plant A Tree!

    5045 trees
  19. Nev

    Voting: November 2021 Judicial Election

    Ballot ID number: # Court Justice: 1. < Lord Lore > 2. < Comfed > 3. < Siwale > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  20. Nev


  21. Nev


  22. Nev


  23. Nev

    Voting: October 2021 Special Speaker Election

    Speaker: < Bootsie> Would you like to reopen nominations? <No >
  24. Nev


  25. Nev


  26. Nev

