Search results

  1. Nev


  2. Nev

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

  3. Nev

    The Luscova Pact

  4. Nev


  5. Nev

    National Anthem Thread

  6. Nev

    Voting: May 2022 General Election

    Delegate: 1. < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: <Greater Ale Permars > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Vivanco > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  7. Nev

    Union of Aurorian States

  8. Nev

    Candidacy Declarations: May 2022 General Election

    I second this nomination.
  9. Nev

    Candidacy Declarations: May 2022 General Election

    I third this nomination.
  10. Nev

    Sports News

  11. Nev


  12. Nev


  13. Nev


  14. Nev

    Union of Aurorian States

  15. Nev


  16. Nev


  17. Nev


  18. Nev


  19. Nev

    National Anthem Thread

  20. Nev


  21. Nev

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

    Hi, I would like to request this small part of Meterra as my Secondary Nation of Xi'hai. I had counted the pixels on my end and the pixel count for both Navsland and Xi'Hai shouldn't exceed the allowed 172,000 pixels but do let me know if I am wrong and I shall adjust it accordingly.[/spoiler] ~LL
  22. Nev


  23. Nev


  24. Nev


  25. Nev


  26. Nev


  27. Nev


  28. Nev

    Union of Aurorian States
