Search results

  1. Mr Insanity

    The Helmebaine Alliance

    The United States of New Sekai is for the talks with Wolfsea, We should note our nation is a allies to Wolfsea.
  2. Mr Insanity

    Xentherida's DU Application

    The United States of New Sekai support this application.
  3. Mr Insanity

    Embassies with The United States of New Sekai

    Most of the application have been approve but some of them been denied. Most reason why it been denied because your nation is in a region haven't a embassy with The North Pacific.
  4. Mr Insanity

    Kalatunian Embassy Program

    Yeah and Thank you.
  5. Mr Insanity

    Kalatunian Embassy Program

    Nation: The United States of New Sekai. Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy. Head of State: Senso Kyoki The King of The United States of New Sekai. Alliances and Organisations your nation is a part of: The Democratic Union (The Allied Island of Sauceistan, The Republic of Malvad, The...
  6. Mr Insanity

    Avalon Foreign Affair Office: Embassy

    Nation: The United States of New Sekai. Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy. Head of State: Senso Kyoki The King of The United States of New Sekai. Alliances and Organisations your nation is a part of: The Democratic Union (The Allied Island of Sauceistan, The Republic of Malvad, The...
  7. Mr Insanity

    Norvalkin Consulate/Embassy Exchange Program

    Technological Republic of Norvalkin Form 7-01-A: Application for the Establishment of Diplomatic Ties [hr] Full Name of Nation: The United States of New Sekai. Capital City: Shuto. Population: 65,000,000. Intent for Establishment of Diplomatic Ties: We want a diplomatic ties with Norvalkin...
  8. Mr Insanity

    Bilateral relations with Lorbank

    Thank you and we accepted the deal.
  9. Mr Insanity

    Embassy of the Republic of Salvarity

    Thank you.
  10. Mr Insanity

    Zemnaya Svoboda Application

    The United States of New Sekai support this application.
  11. Mr Insanity

    Bilateral relations with Lorbank

    Also, do you want to have embassy in The United States of New Sekai:
  12. Mr Insanity

    Salvarian Banking Association

    Thank you.
  13. Mr Insanity

    The Helmebaine Alliance

    My opinion to that, we shouldn't to do the same thing what our enemy despite if they got a greater advantage to us. That still would ruin our reputation of being a moral country, if we retaliate using the same weapons. If that country use any sort of WMDs, we should go asking a internation...
  14. Mr Insanity

    Declaration on the Rights of Foreign Dignitaries

    Senso Kyoki The King of The United States of New Sekai will sign this.
  15. Mr Insanity

    Motion: Suspend Syrixia

    The United State of New Sekai is still keeping our vote to "Abstain.".
  16. Mr Insanity

    Embassy of the Republic of Salvarity

    Application for Diplomatic Embassy in Salvarity Full Name of Nation: The United States of New Sekai. Head of State: Senso Kyoki The King of The United States of New Sekai. Head of Government: Minshu Tekina and Kyowato No The Presidents of The United States of New Sekai (Coalition Government.)...
  17. Mr Insanity

    The North Pacific Countryball Club

    Can I join?
  18. Mr Insanity

    The National Dictators' Party

    Now I have been kicked out The North Pacific for this. "What a stupid thing do." (Joking not really support dictatorship, I really support democracy.)
  19. Mr Insanity

    The National Dictators' Party

    I will secretly join The National Dictators' Party. (I should note this is a joke.)
  20. Mr Insanity

    OOC: Where do I begin?

    Yeah I can also confirmed that aswell, because my nation was the one who were selling a lot military hardwares to Nebula. After that we formed a alliance together, also that how The Faibuaizu Alliance formed in a way.
  21. Mr Insanity

    Salvarian Banking Association

    Application for a Governmental Account: Name of Nation: The United States of New Sekai. Nation of Account Owner: Sens? Ky?ki. Initial Deposit: $100,000,000,000.00. Do you want a savings account: Yes. Does your group desire a secure storage facility: Yes.
  22. Mr Insanity

    The Helmebaine Alliance

    We alright with this proposal, however one part maybe need to be edit: "-Weapons must be used proportionally. No nukes or chemical weapons." You seemed to missed biological weapons aswell?
  23. Mr Insanity

    On the Topic of Multi Species

    I should note: Darcania is right about me, considering doing multi-species. Which actually done. However, I kept is realistic in someway by, having my nation split in half (Sort of) like human and only antho species (Mean human like species), aswell keeping in the modern and post modern...
  24. Mr Insanity

    Shiraqi Military Acquisition

    Your order: 3x Oriba Hazado Peri-Class Frigates: $4.500 million ($4,500,000.00) total. Total: $4.500 million ($4,500,000.00) (I'm hoping, I'm right about this?) total. We are accepting this order.
  25. Mr Insanity

    Freight McMasterdonia (FM)

    Your welcome and thank you.
  26. Mr Insanity

    Vote: Suspend Syrixia
