Search results

  1. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    DaMurica passes admin checks.
  2. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    Zeliox passes admin checks. Jardtopia fails due to proxy use. James_C passes admin checks.
  3. Abbey

    The Green Party

    Please don't gravedig.
  4. Abbey

    Admin Requests

    Done All done, I believe.
  5. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    TenaciousTesseract passes admin check. Comrade Rapha passes admin check.
  6. Abbey

    Abbey for Justice!

    Hi there! I'm Abbey, and I'm looking for your vote for Justice. I've made a career out of legal practice in TNP and elsewhere and I'd like the chance to return to the bench for the rest of the term. I have recently served as a THO in several cases, and have served as Justice and Chief Justice...
  7. Abbey

    Admin Requests

    You should already be correctly masked. Done. Also done.
  8. Abbey

    Registered Residents

    Done everything from this month where nations are still in the region.
  9. Abbey

    Astronomical News Update #1

    Oh agreed - but as I've seen argued by scientists in the field, we need a frame of reference. We know that life can evolve using carbon and chemistry tells us that other elements might struggle to sustain life, so we might as well look for carbon-based life.
  10. Abbey

    Astronomical News Update #1

    Oh, I don't expect that we'll hear a 'hello' in our lifetimes, but I do think that complex life is out there. If not complex life, then certainly lower forms of life.
  11. Abbey

    Astronomical News Update #1

    As much as we're a late entry into the universe, there are still plenty of solar systems that have emerged at roughly the same time as ours and even since.
  12. Abbey

    Admin Requests

    I don't know about renaming the mask, but the remaskings are done.
  13. Abbey

    [SPECIAL CHAMBERS] Regional Officer banning nations during NS events

    I also agree with the opinion as written.
  14. Abbey

    Admin Requests

    All done. (USA under Trump never got masked as I knew of this before I masked him from the citizenship thread).
  15. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    Corsica20 Liberlandrija MrCleansLawyer Didge259 Of Ashwater all pass admin checks. Khvatai fails - you appear to be using a mobile web IP - please re-apply from a residential IP.
  16. Abbey

    Motion to override the Delegate's Veto of the Evidence Redaction Bill

    I also object. Look, I know it's been a bad few days. But plemby's points are valid. "Common sense" is probably the most dangerous concept I've come across in TNP law. Because one person's common sense is another person's completely ludicrous. Now, in this case, it's not ludicrous - there is...
  17. Abbey

    REOPENED Candidacy Declarations: January 2017 Special Attorney General Election

    I decline (on account of being EC for the general election)
  18. Abbey

    Oaths of Office

    I, Abbey Anumia, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Temporary Hearing Officer, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a...
  19. Abbey

    Oaths of Office

    I, Abbey Anumia, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Election Commissioner, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  20. Abbey

    Admin Requests

    At the request of the speakers office, the following have been remasked from Residents to Members as they no longer have nations in the region:
  21. Abbey

    Admin Requests

    Corsica20 passes admin check.
  22. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    Mystiry, Hong Kong and USA under Trump all pass admin checks.
  23. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    jaylanhernandez passes admin checks. Balamb fails - please re-apply from a residential IP address, you seem to be using mobile web. Ninhundland fails - proxy use. Siwale passes admin checks. Sereeno passes admin checks. abc also passes admin check, having not yet been checked.
  24. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    Greliser passes admin check.
  25. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    Litzerland fails due to user having multiple accounts. Lemine fails due to proxy use. Moosira now passes admin check.
  26. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    Montroulez passes admin checks.