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  1. Empire of Narnia

    Insidious Plop

    It is a great injustice that I cannot even see how this "vote" is occurring. How am I supposed to defend myself if nobody will even explain to me what is happening? I am being bullied by a person in power who is maliciously editing my posts to change the outcome of the vote.
  2. Empire of Narnia

    Insidious Plop

    I see the people in control edited the title of this post to further discredit me, which is yet another abuse of power.
  3. Empire of Narnia

    Insidious Plop

    Why? I just went to join that RA thing because I remembered being part of it a year or so ago. I didn't know that joining it would give the system the power to banish me from the region. I have the right to post on the RMB. At least I don't harass and attack people like some people do......
  4. Empire of Narnia

    Insidious Plop

    He just said they are all voting to ban me. I pose no threat to security so banning me would be just because one person does not like me personally. I hope they choose to stick up for me and let me stay in the region though. I am not a raider and I am not a hacker.
  5. Empire of Narnia

    Insidious Plop

    I knew it. This dumb vote of course is only held by the region's elite and not the regular RMB members who support me. It is a mockery of democracy and a terrible abuse of power.
  6. Empire of Narnia

    Insidious Plop

    I said I didn't know where to post this, so Moderators can move it somewhere else if this is no the right spot but I want to know why the vice delegate is voting to ban me. I did not nothing wrong and I am not a threat to region security.
  7. Empire of Narnia

    Insidious Plop

    If this region is even still pretending to be a democracy they won't let a government official order the banning of a benign nation because of disagreements over politics, food and spending habits. That is a gross abuse of power.
  8. Empire of Narnia

    Insidious Plop

    I don't know where to post this but I want to complain about the Vice Delegate's plot to banish me from the region. On the RMB he said "I was hoping EoN would apply for RA membership. My dream just came true. :D" This heavily implies he was plotting some sort of attack against me as I...
  9. Empire of Narnia

    Who is John Galt?

    Never read that book, heard it was terrible and way too long though.
  10. Empire of Narnia

    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of Empire of Narnia, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war...
  11. Empire of Narnia

    I Feel...

    I feel cool.
  12. Empire of Narnia

    Pet Peeves

    PP: Not enough salt on my fries.
  13. Empire of Narnia

    The North Pacific Bar and Grill

    I finally found my log in information.
  14. Empire of Narnia

    Dick Jones

    is wanted for murder.
  15. Empire of Narnia

    Anarchist Party

    I approve of this par-tay.
  16. Empire of Narnia

    TNP v. Empire of Narnia

    I'm happy with that. Good show! Good show!
  17. Empire of Narnia

    TNP v. Empire of Narnia

    That mad haxxoring beast known as :cheese: NARNIA :cheese: pleads GUUUILLLTYYYY! I did it! Oh, yeah baby I did it! Yeehaaaaaw!!!!!
  18. Empire of Narnia

    TNP v. Empire of Narnia

    I plead GUILTY!!!!!!! Oh, yeah! I'm so guilty! I'm an insane criminal maniac! You gotta lock me up before I destroy the whole universe with my mad haxxoring!
  19. Empire of Narnia

    Astarial complaint against Empire of Narnia

    I bEt yOu WouLd tIm, SeEiNg hOw yOu cReAteD tHiS wHoLe sHaM tRiAl tO rUiN mE!
  20. Empire of Narnia

    Astarial complaint against Empire of Narnia

    Just to be clear, what would happen if I plead guilty? Does this court have plea bargains?
  21. Empire of Narnia

    PM Restriction

    If you want the practical reason it's so people know not to send my Private Messages. Motherfucker. Edit: Obscenity removed.
  22. Empire of Narnia

    PM Restriction

    Because it looks cool and it makes me look like a bad boy.
  23. Empire of Narnia

    PM Restriction

    Can't you give the PM Restriction group thing to me? You are an Administrator after all.
  24. Empire of Narnia

    PM Restriction

    I clicked on the PM Restriction group thing and my name wasn't on the list even though I am online.
  25. Empire of Narnia

    PM Restriction

    I'm insulted that I didn't get a PM restriction. If I keep doing bad things will I get it?
  26. Empire of Narnia

    PM Restriction

    Why am I not in the PM Restriction group? I can't send private messages but I don't get to have the PM Restriction thing by my name. I should get it so everybody knows not to send me Private Messages!
  27. Empire of Narnia

    [Complete]At Vote: Condemn True North [Complete]

    EDIT: Wait, I should vote for this cause it makes that region more famous True North is the greatest region in the fuckin' universe!!!1111!!!!
  28. Empire of Narnia

    Astarial complaint against Empire of Narnia

    Then why the fuck hasn't it started?
  29. Empire of Narnia

    Astarial complaint against Empire of Narnia

    When is this bitch-ass trial gonna start?