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  1. Vapia

    Military Numbers Thread (revitalized version)

    Nation name (full)Total personnelActive personnelReserve personnelParamilitary personnelPercent of population totalPercent of population activeKingdom of Nuova Vittoria11,0009,5001,50000.150%0.130%
  2. Vapia

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

    Formal renewal for my nations claim[/spoiler] ~LL
  3. Vapia

    Voting: March 2021 Judicial Election

    Court Justice: 1. < Lord Lore > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  4. Vapia

    Opening Address

  5. Vapia

    Voting: September 2020 General Election

    Delegate: 1. < TlomzKrano > 2. < Praetor > 3. < Gorundu > 4. < 9003 > 5. < Pigeonstan > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: 1. < Dreadton > 2. < Bobberino > 3. < New Francois > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: 1. < St George > 2. < Lady...
  6. Vapia

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Western Vapia Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
  7. Vapia

    Voting: May 2020 General Election

    Delegate: < Prydania > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Artemis > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Highton> Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  8. Vapia

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

    [/spoiler] ~LL
  9. Vapia

    The AGORA Act

    I simply can not agree to the people losing part of their voice in government, simply on the argument that “qualified experts” can pick it for us.
  10. Vapia

    Term Limit Removal Bill

    Strongly against. Democracies must be protected against the formation of oligarchical elements, and the removal of term limits is a very strong gateway to this. Im shocked that so many in the region would support this bill. Term Limits are not only good, but they are mandatory for a serious...
  11. Vapia

    Four score and seven years ago

    Very late, but congrats!
  12. Vapia

    Suspension of MadJack/St George as RP Moderator

    As someone who was present during the incident in question, I can say with the upmost confidence that St George/MadJack did not attempt to scam or cause any sort of harm intentionally. I believe like everyone else that this was simply a poorly thought out mistake, and firmly believe that...
  13. Vapia

    [ASH] The Mind of a Pretender

    10 AM, New Roman Time. The Palace of Emperor Charlemagne II. The conference room is universally known for being a place of, well, conferences. Discussion and game plans almost always take place in one of these rooms. But this conference room, despite being full of the Emperors right hand men...
  14. Vapia

    Voting: November 2019 Judicial Elections

    Court Justice (select up to 3): < Lord Lore | Bobberino | Angshire > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  15. Vapia

    [Asheron]: A Post Apocalyptic Earth (Map-Claims)

    NAME: Empire of Charlemagne
  16. Vapia

    Oaths of Office

    I, Vapia, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Gameside Advocate, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  17. Vapia

    Gameside Advocates Appointment

  18. Vapia

    Just a Thought

    I mean, does it really matter? While we have political parties, in practice the individuals who run just run as independents.
  19. Vapia

    5000 Cans of Spam on the Wall

    2548 cans of spam on the wall, 2548 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 2547 cans of spam on the wall!
  20. Vapia

    Voting: May 2019 General Election

    Delegate: < El Fiji Grande > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Sil Dorsett > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Attorney General: < Darcania > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  21. Vapia

    Mad Jack for Delegate and Stuff

    Has my vote.
  22. Vapia

    The Crew

    Late by like 2 weeks but thats a dope CB collage. I didnt even realize there were so many nations in the Eras rp.
  23. Vapia

    Hello from Yugobatania!

  24. Vapia

    5000 Cans of Spam on the Wall

    2731 cans of spam on the wall, 2731 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 2730 cans of spam on the wall!
  25. Vapia

    RMB Regulations Bill

    I don’t really see a scenario in which this would be a cause for concern for rmbers. I think most rmbers would agree that the delegate should be able to ban people.
  26. Vapia

    RMB Regulations Bill

    Im a bit confused over this editing of the bill. Is it just claryfing implied consequences of violating the rules?
  27. Vapia

    Two Years in NS! Cheers to more!

    lol u old. Kidding, congrats m8