Search results

  1. Rewan Demontay

    Oaths of Office

    I, Rewan Demontay, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Minister of Cards, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  2. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Card #1 Destination: Link: Will A Card Need Junked In Order to Gift it?: Yes (aka WACNJIOTG?: )
  3. Rewan Demontay

    Voting: January 2023 General Election

    Delegate: < Hulldom > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Gorundu > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes > Speaker: < Bobberino > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  4. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Not a valid request format, see the others, as well as my above post.
  5. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Slight Update: In order to streamline fulfilling requests, and avoid burnout on our end, I've added a simple line to the cad request form. No need to edit it in, it only applies going forward. A little work by you will go a long way for us. Thank you!
  6. Rewan Demontay

    Admin Requests

    Please give @Fauzjhia the role of Deputy Minister for Cards.
  7. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

  8. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    See the bottom of this post. Accepted. You need to be a citizen first. Minor Change To The Application: I've added a bit more meat to the application to streamline things on my end. This is the new format.
  9. Rewan Demontay

    Hulldom for Delegate

    We are live!
  10. Rewan Demontay

    Security Council Application Thread

    I am withdrawing my application at this time.
  11. Rewan Demontay

    [SC - FAILED] Declaration Against Declarations

    Against, since this would rob many players of rightful commendations, or earned condemnations, as the case may be.
  12. Rewan Demontay

    Security Council Application Thread

    I, Rewan Demontay, a Squire with 822 endorsements wish to apply to the Security Council.
  13. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Ye all be in ze sheet now.
  14. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Card #1 Destination: Link: Card #2 Destination:
  15. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    And the biguns have been done.
  16. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

  17. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    All taken care of, moving to the biguns next. Lemme know if I missed... There is no "pre-ordering" cards. We do not keep watch of when Card Farmers pulls certain cards. Let us know when one has. Feel free to edit your message with a valid request, since you may not have known this.
  18. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Card #1 & #2 Destination: Link:
  19. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Welcome on in!
  20. Rewan Demontay

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    All welcome, join the Discord.
  21. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    I Sea-nat you have applied. Accepted!
  22. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Card #1 Destination: Link: Card #2 Destination: Link...
  23. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    This week was a massive balloon in requests, so this is not a big surprise. Processed properly now!