Search results

  1. Grimalkin

    Request under tnp law 29

    This request is under review.
  2. Grimalkin

    Special Election for Speaker of the Assembly Combined

    Need a yes or a no, please.
  3. Grimalkin

    The North Pacific v. JAL

    To clarify a mistake I had made in my ruling. The mistrial does not apply the original 3rd charge, which reads: "3. The Defendant's mass ejection actions make them ineligible for membership in the Regional Assembly under TNP Law 28's ban on the threat or use of force in a manner...
  4. Grimalkin

    Special Election for Speaker of the Assembly Combined

    Special Election for the Speaker of the Assembly. Nominations will start at 0400 GMT Tuesday 03/06/12 until 0400 GMT Sunday 03/11/12 Voting will last from 0400 GMT Monday 03/12/12 until 0400 GMT Saturday 03/17/12
  5. Grimalkin

    Speaker's Disappearence

    I consent.
  6. Grimalkin

    Leave of Absence

    I'm kind of back. Still a little touch and go, but for the most part I think I can end the LoA.
  7. Grimalkin

    Leave of Absence

    Due to some RL things that are going right now, I'll be taking a Leave of Absence in order to help clear my head. I'll most likely be back Friday, but it'll depend on how I am by then. In the meantime, I'll check in from time to time to assign stuff to the other Justices in order to keep the...
  8. Grimalkin

    Request for Court Opinion

    (I apologize for this not being a rather long or indepth opinion, I received some bad news so I'm just keeping short and to the point so I can go on with my LoA) The crux of this issue is that the Constitution allows the Regional Assembly to determine it's own procedures; however, those...
  9. Grimalkin

    Request for Court Opinion

    The Court will consider this. (Due to a fairly important event coming up this Sunday that I need to prepare for, do not expect a ruling before this Monday.) The Court also welcomes any amicus curiae statements on this issue.
  10. Grimalkin

    The North Pacific v. JAL

    The mistrial applies to ALL the charges that were filed by the Attorney General for the purposes of THIS particular trial.
  11. Grimalkin

    The North Pacific v. JAL

    The handling of this case has been...inconsistent at best and incompetent at worst by all parties involved, and that includes the previous justices that chaired this morass. While I would love to have this matter over and done with, the fact is that dismissing the charges altogether would not...
  12. Grimalkin

    The North Pacific v. JAL

    With the ruling in TNP vs. Delegate Blue Wolf, this case is, by default, re-opened; however, I am suspending progress until I can sort through this...mess and determine the best course of action.
  13. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    Court Majority Opinion and Ruling Chief Justice Grimalkin, Associate Justice Mahaj, Associate Justice Dyr Nasad The Suit of the Government of The North Pacific against the Delegate Blue Wolf The Court would like to first recognize the extenuating circumstances behind the actions of the...
  14. Grimalkin


    Are we agreed that the delegate's action was unconstitutional? I could probably go ahead and write the court's opinion since Dyr agrees with me.
  15. Grimalkin


    "Useless" isn't what we're considering. Was it legal? I don't believe it was legal for him to do as the Attorney General is outside the purview of the Executive.
  16. Grimalkin


    The question we're discussing is whether or not the Delegate can take over the duties of the Attorney General and the Judiciary branch when there is no Judiciary. The Attorney General at the time was inactive and there were literally no justices.
  17. Grimalkin


    My interpretation is that the Judiciary refers to both the Justices and the Attorney General. TNP Law 31 establishes (again, in my interpretation) that the Attorney General is an office of the Judiciary branch.
  18. Grimalkin


    So the question is, is the Delegate legally able to take over the responsibilities of the Attorney General when the judiciary is not active? Here's my opinion: The writers of the Constitution clearly made the AG a part of the Judiciary which places the office way outside the authority of the...
  19. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    The Court will now go into deliberations over this issue. Please be patient, we will render our ruling as soon as possible.
  20. Grimalkin

    Proposed Changes to TNP Laws 27 and 28

    Per Law 32, I am listing the following changes, specifically updating the text to reflect the re-organization of the United Nations into the World Assembly, for review: If there are no objections, then the Speaker and I, the Chief Justice, will authorize these changes in 72 hours.
  21. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    Just as a point of fact, response, the clause which I quoted states (bold mine) "Each Nation has the right to assemble, and to petition the governmental authorities of the region, including the WA Delegate, for the redress of grievances." Clearly the intent was to allow petition to any...
  22. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    Wouldn't it have been more in line with the intent of the Constitution for the Delegate to begin the special election himself if the Speaker had not or was not able to? Considering the context what you have quoted, I quote (bold mine) isn't more likely that the ability to redress grievances...
  23. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    But -does- it really count? Shouldn't the adoption of a new constitution wipe the slate clean with regard to precedent? After all, weren't precedents set based on what the previous constitutions allowed, not what this constitution allowed? But to what point? Does that phrase give the Delegate...
  24. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    The Defense has 72 hours to present their argument.
  25. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    The Defense may present its argument.
  26. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    That's enough, counselors. It's time to move on. I'm giving my fellow justices 24 hours to pose any questions to the Plaintiff before the Defense presents its argument.
  27. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    Do any of my fellow justices have any questions for the Plaintiff?
  28. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    Even so, doesn't the situation mirror? While we may now have TNP Law 31, there was no Judiciary and Attorney General at the time of the Delegate's action. Shouldn't the Delegate have the ability to act when there is an absence?
  29. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    Objection sustained. Counselor, please keep your arguments based in realm of legality rather than present an emotional plea to the court. Counselor, you state that the Delegate has no authority in judicial matters; however, we have seen precedence set wherein the Delegate has issued blanket...
  30. Grimalkin

    Request for Review of Delegate's dropping TNP v. JAL

    Voting has concluded and the Court has agreed to issue a preliminary injunction against the actions of the Delegate-elect in dropping the charges against JAL; however, the Court has also agreed to issue a stay preventing the continuation of the trial during this review. Effectively, the charges...