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  1. Ator People

    Soon to Publish: Regional Update 06/25/2012

    I will add FEC to the SC and then post it today. I will have a telegram version, Elu, if you want to send that out. Otherwise, we can send out a link to the regional update post on the forum or something.
  2. Ator People

    Soon to Publish: Regional Update 06/25/2012

    If no one objects, this will be the regional update I will post tonight: ------------------------ The North Pacific Regional Update: 26 June 2012 [hr] Regional Directory Forum: Map: TNP Wire:
  3. Ator People

    Regional Update 06/26/2012

    The North Pacific Regional Update: 26 June 2012 [hr] Regional Directory Forum: Map: TNP Wire: IRC: #tnp Facebook: Laws...
  4. Ator People

    ARCHIVED: 2013 - OoC

    As an OOC planning thread, I think this ought to be moved to Drafting Plane. Any objections?
  5. Ator People

    Poll: Amendment to Security Council Constitutional Provisions

    ADMIN NOTE: I've edited the poll so you can choose up to 3, since the OP noted that you should be able to choose up to three options.
  6. Ator People

    TNP Wire Format

    I will be launching this this evening (EDT) then. I be releasing both a Regional Update and TNP Wire news articles on our Tumblr. The update will include links to these articles. Then I will request that it be sent out via TG by the Delegate.
  7. Ator People

    TNP Wire Format

    It would be linked to from the Forum and would have have links to individual stories in the Regional Update (sent out to nations via TG and posted on the forum).
  8. Ator People

    TNP Wire Format

    In considering the possible formats for the TNP Wire, I've decided that I'd prefer to use a Tumblr blog for the main news feed. I think this is the best format for a few reasons. First, the last TNP Wire was a Blogger account. I'd continue to use that but I no longer have access to it and I...
  9. Ator People


    EDT - I'm available evenings usually. A few couple hours before the main update (midnight EDT) is usually best for me.