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  1. Chao Phraya

    Northern Chess League (NCL) - Season One Underway!

    Name: Chao Phraya River Discord: Cxrystalic Lichess Username: Cxrystalic
  2. Chao Phraya

    Voting: January 2024 General Election

    Delegate: 1. < Kaschovia > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: 1. < Chipoli > 2. < Hulldom > 3. < Nutmeg The Squirrel > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < AraFuttio > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  3. Chao Phraya

    Chao Phraya for Speaker

    that wasnt copy and pasted, I individually typed everything. Also, I wouldn't consider saying i'm not reading their post as harassment.
  4. Chao Phraya

    Chao Phraya for Speaker

    At the most it'd be around 12, I don't want anything absurd like 20.
  5. Chao Phraya

    Chao Phraya for Speaker

    Its an increase of about 3 from the current 7, I think that ten is a reasonable amount of deputies to have. No problem!
  6. Chao Phraya

    Chao Phraya for Speaker

    My current plan is that if I were to win, to give you an exact number on how much i have in mind, my current goal at the minimum of ten Deputies. I do not have three in mind at the current moment though, I plan on doing so in the following two days or so. Anybody who is currently interested...
  7. Chao Phraya

    Chao Phraya for Speaker

    that statement on the RMB was a Joke, and i've spent multiple hours in total studying the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The Rules of the Regional Assembly, Which I personally believe gives me the needed comprehension of the Position and its duties. I do admit that the election is...
  8. Chao Phraya

    Chao Phraya for Speaker

    I believe in transparency so I will state the following, I do not have experience being a Deputy Speaker, but I am well versed in the laws of our great region, and believe myself capable and ready to administer these rules properly.
  9. Chao Phraya

    Chao Phraya for Speaker

    I think that the role of Speaker is one of the most crucial roles in the entire regional government, the job of properly administrating the acts of our assembly is a crucial one. On the topic of votes and citizenship, I will try to have the citizenship applications consistently monitored by one...
  10. Chao Phraya

    Chao Phraya for Speaker

    Before I begin my speech, I would like to thank everyone viewing this for their time, and I wish good luck to every other candidate, including the person I am currently running against, Cloud. My Main priority for this term is the addition of more Deputies to allow for more efficiency. I will...
  11. Chao Phraya

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Chao Phraya River Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: none
  12. Chao Phraya

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2023 General Election

    I declare my candidacy for speaker.
  13. Chao Phraya

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2023 General Election

    I would like to nomidate myself for the post of Speaker.
  14. Chao Phraya

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Chao Phraya River I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the...