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  1. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] At Vote: Repeal: Responsible Arms Trading [Complete]

    Not only that, TNP was in favor of this resolution when it passed. The repeal is terrible. This really should be cut and dry. I was really looking forward to being able to tell the summer Nazi crowd that their gun control drafts were flat-out illegal...
  2. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] At Vote: Repeal: Responsible Arms Trading [Complete]

    Ministry Determination Vote Recommendation: Against The target resolution in question was passed for a reason, and TNP voted FOR, and not without good cause. The repeal attempt is the same tripe that we saw during the drafting phase, arguing that the term "armament" is insufficiently clear as a...
  3. Separatist Peoples

    At Vote:[GA] At Vote: Repeal Responsibility in Arms Trading [Complete]

    This resolution is currently up for vote in the WA.
  4. Separatist Peoples

    At Vote:[GA] At Vote: Repeal Responsibility in Arms Trading [Complete]

    This resolution is currently up for vote in the WA.
  5. Separatist Peoples

    At Vote:[GA] At Vote: Repeal Responsibility in Arms Trading [Complete]

    Ministry Determination Vote Recommendation: Against The target resolution in question was passed for a reason, and TNP voted FOR, and not without good cause. The repeal attempt is the same tripe that we saw during the drafting phase, arguing that the term "armament" is insufficiently clear as a...
  6. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] At Vote: Noninterference in Elections [Complete]

    Fair considerations. I suppose it's inevitable that the democratic WA would favor democracies, but I understand your concerns. I'll pass them along to the author, unless you'd prefer I not, so they can reconsider their proposal for the future.
  7. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] Responsible Arms Trading [Complete]

    To be fair, any attempt at international gun control will fail. Every time. There is a large coalition of influential players dedicated to ensuring exactly that. All this does in reality is make illegal those pathetic attempts to do so that plague the GA. The fact of the matter is that...
  8. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] At Vote: Noninterference in Elections [Complete]

    Might I ask the Against voters why the voted so? Lord Lore explained their vote, but I don't see why the others voted so.
  9. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] At Vote: Noninterference in Elections [Complete]

    It is good to see such enthusiastic, if somewhat rapid, votes trickling in!
  10. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] At Vote: Noninterference in Elections [Complete]

    Ministry Determination Vote Recommendation: FOR The obvious con to this resolution is that it is, essentially, a blocker. This I find to be very nearly always a negative in a resolution, and tends to significantly restrict the ability of authors and new players alike to pilot themselves through...
  11. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] At Vote: Noninterference in Elections [Complete]

    I know, I know, I'm a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad Minister for forgetting that there was a GA resolution at vote! Thou may slayeth me with stones, regardless of the standing of thine sins! For, Against, or Abstain. Obvious variations therein are acceptable.
  12. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] Responsible Arms Trading [Complete]

    Many apologies, everybody. Scion was kind enough to pop in and explain the issue, so I'll just keep this parked until such time as it makes it to vote...
  13. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] Responsible Arms Trading [Complete]

    I was more general then I needed to be, so I can understand your confusion. Yes, one can block off parts of a category. The exceptions it allows are deliberate to avoid blocking off an entire category, but this one blocks off enough to be effective. It specifically states "except by extant WA...
  14. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] Responsible Arms Trading [Complete]

    Before I dig into the merits of the proposal, let me toss in the caveat that this is not yet at vote. However, the author, Sciongrad, is an accomplished GA Veteran who directly indicated to me that he was submitting this imminently. There is little chance for this failing to make quorum, so we...
  15. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] Responsible Arms Trading [Complete]

    For, Against, or Abstain.
  16. Separatist Peoples

    Announcement: Appointment of Greater Brigantia as Deputy WA Minister[Archived]

    On behalf of The North Pacific's WA Ministry, it is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Greater Brigantia as Deputy WA Minister. GB's expertise lies with the Security Council, so he will be helping out heavily on our Security Council votes. I'm excited to work with him, and I know I'm...
  17. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] Almost Quorum: On Palm Oil [Complete]

    This has timed out, but there is plenty reason to expect it to return, so I'll just leave this here...
  18. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] Almost Quorum: On Palm Oil [Complete]

    Ministry Determination Vote Recommendation AGAINST This resolution is poorly considered and poorly written. It fails to account for alternative production and harvesting methods for Palm Oil, makes a numerous number of highly specious arguments regarding the health and safety of its production...
  19. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] Almost Quorum: On Palm Oil [Complete]

    For, Against, Abstain.
  20. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] At Vote: Repeal: "Right to a Legal Divorce" [Complete]

    The funny thing is that I'd personally support a repeal that focused on the legalistic issues and less on emotional issues. CD's repeal is infinitely more attractive in that regard. The needs of the children cannot be ignored, but the needs of the parents are just as important. Not all problems...
  21. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] At Vote: Repeal: "Right to a Legal Divorce" [Complete]

    Jeez, buddy, count to 30 before posting, will ya? I always post the recommendation after I post the draft.
  22. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] At Vote: Repeal: "Right to a Legal Divorce" [Complete]

    Ministry Determination Vote Recommendation: AGAINST While the removal of legislation that unnecessarily impedes into purely domestic purviews is always a good thing, this proposal has more than a few issues. This, for example: Nonetheless emphasizing that it has been conclusively established...
  23. Separatist Peoples

    [Complete][SC] At Vote: Repeal "Commend Krulltopia"

    Honestly, that was my read on it. However, in light of the situation, I think the ends justify the means, if only for this one situation.
  24. Separatist Peoples

    [Complete][SC] At Vote: Repeal "Commend Krulltopia"

    Ministry Determination Vote Recommendation: FOR This will be a short recommendation, because I believe we already have a strong consensus. Krulltopia was an integral part of the Lazarene coup. For that, no condemnation will be enough. However, rather than rewarding the illegal coup with a...
  25. Separatist Peoples

    [Complete][SC] At Vote: Repeal "Commend Krulltopia"

    For, Against, or Vote for Pedro (Abstain).
  26. Separatist Peoples

    [GA] PULLED: Repeal "POW Accord" [Complete]

    So...This got pulled. I don't know if JPT/CP/UFoC is going to try again. We'll revive this if it gets submitted with no changes. Otherwise we'll let this quietly sink.
  27. Separatist Peoples

    [Complete][SC] At Vote: Condemn Stujenske

    Wow! You're really quick on the draw, there, partner.