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  1. Novus Homines

    Pope Hope: Vote Early and Often

    She didn't create the ADN. Caesar and Vazquez, with much contribution from Sarda, did. (Edit: Democratic Donkeys corrected himself later on. ) I think we have different definitions of the word assume in mind. The article takes the following facts: 1) There was a vote to reopen Nasicournia's...
  2. Novus Homines

    Pope Hope: Vote Early and Often

    These sentences seem in contradiction with the first. This sentence may not necessarily be. Sadly you seem to be implicated in a lot of situations like this. You're a controversial fellow. I only wish I could get as much attention from time to time *sniff*
  3. Novus Homines

    A Travesty of Justice in The West Pacific

    Biyah is blowing a lot of smoke that has little substance to it. Because the crime committed occurred on West Pacific soil by West Pacific citizens it is within their government's prerogative to take care of it. Because a self-imposed exile is no excuse the Courts have the ability to try in...
  4. Novus Homines

    Embassy of the Proletariat Coalition

    You say that as if I was disagreeing with it.
  5. Novus Homines

    Draw Your Own Conclusions

    They're actually abbreviations, and more specifically initialisms. I speak Nazi. In Ye Days of Olde there were quite a few neo-nazi groups in this game. They achieved a special notoriety for griefing. In the winter of 02/03 there was even a period of history called the Nazi Wars, which I...
  6. Novus Homines

    Embassy of the Proletariat Coalition

    It is, or at least this spring it was, standard procedure for spies in admin/mod positions who are uncovered.
  7. Novus Homines

    Embassy of the Proletariat Coalition

    All but Equilism and the RLA itself, now that I think about it. I've even posted in one of the Met's. I seem to be arguing against both sides in this. I like to keep on top of things you know.
  8. Novus Homines

    Embassy of the Proletariat Coalition

    If you look carefully you can see my name in some of those.
  9. Novus Homines

    Que Es?

    Is it near southeast Asia such as Myanmar, Laos and Thailand?
  10. Novus Homines

    Guess Flemingovia's Occupation!

    Oh look... is it a stockbroker? Is it a quantity Surveyor? Is it a church warden? NO! It's BICYCLE REPAIR MAN!
  11. Novus Homines


    Active hangout spot. Place to see and be seen, if you catch my drift.
  12. Novus Homines

    Welcome To The New Official Forum Of Tnp

    :band: Methinks I see a Battle of the Bands against The Pacific looming.