Prydania's latest activity

  • Prydania
    Caël Boënnec @Caël_Boënnec • 2 w Not really. I still had to go through the casting call, audition, and screen test. I get selected...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to The Yeti's post in the thread Twitcher (now with Messenger!) with Like Like.
    NextInvest @nextinvest • 1d 警告: ソト コーポレーションの普通株 (SXT:SOTO) は 25.06 ドル下落し、24 時間で 10.16%...
  • Prydania
    Ouën Corrignan @ouëncorrignan • 2 w @Caël_Boënnec You said you’re not pursuing an acting career, yet we keep seeing you on TV! 25...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to Greater Ale Permars's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    Stöcker remained calm, shifted through his notes, and pulled out a picture from his suitcase. It was a somewhat large, folded graphic of...
  • Prydania
    Prydania replied to the thread Pan-Gotic Union.
    "Heimurinn er vampíra." That was an old phrase Anders Osbernsen's mother had told him whenever things got hard. Any setback, however...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to Goyanes's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    Steinbjorn Olæsson was the new Goyanean representative to the PGU. Årnad, the storied several-time PGU chancellor, resigned in order to...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to Andrenne's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    There was very little time between Stöcker's last words and Karlberg's next words. His voice rose. It wasn't quite yelling but the...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to Greater Ale Permars's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    Stöcker took a deep breath and turned to the Esslan delegate first, his face was serious and neutral. "I would first like to thank the...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to Andrenne's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    It had been a couple years since he had been assigned to this post. Sometimes, Field Marshal Samuel Karlberg missed his regular duties...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to North Timistania's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    Jurgen Maylander was the latest in a long succession of ambassadors to the PGU, the alliances combustible nature made regular...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to Greater Ale Permars's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    The bald diplomat smiled once again, remaining unphased by the accusations. "The Kingdom of Waltalriche's unique system of government is...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to Antonius Kaizuniviel's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    Sitting at the council chamber was a middle-aged, brown-haired woman, Breochtife Æscfoord, the diplomat that was chosen to represent the...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to Greater Ale Permars's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    Stöcker smiled and quickly nodded toward the old man, returning his gaze to the center. "The Kingdom of Waltalriche feels as though with...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to Yalkan's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    Archibald Løfgren coughed himself awake, noting a not so insignificant amount of dust gathered around his glasses. He blew on them...
  • Prydania
    Prydania reacted to Greater Ale Permars's post in the thread Pan-Gotic Union with Like Like.
    Cosona, Xentherida. Hugo Stöcker adjusted his thin wire frame glasses and quickly swiped his hand over his bald head as he walked down...