Recent content by Sanctaria

  1. Sanctaria

    Voting: March 2025 Judicial Election

    Justice: 1. < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  2. Sanctaria

    Results: January 2025 Special Judicial Election

    Congratulations @Attempted Socialism
  3. Sanctaria

    [DRAFT] The Open Elections Act

    100% agree here. My pov is that free speech should only be infringed when there is a clear harm - fraud, perjury etc. Getting a campaign DM is definitely annoying but it’s hardly a harm in the legal sense. Definitely do not support criminalising this behaviour.
  4. Sanctaria

    Voting: January 2025 General Election

    Delegate: < Chipoli > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Simone > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes > Speaker: < Matzerati > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  5. Sanctaria

    Voting: November 2024 Special Speaker Election

    Speaker: 1. < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  6. Sanctaria

    Voting: November 2024 Judicial Election

    Court Justice: 1. < Abstain > 2. < Abstain > 3. < Abstain > 4. < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  7. Sanctaria

    The Speaker's Desk

    Can I ask the Speaker why we've had truncated votes lately? A military exemption vote that lasted 3 days, and latterly two confirmation votes that only lasted 4 days (down from the usual 5). I don't generally miss votes even though I'm only able to log on once a week, but I've missed two now...
  8. Sanctaria

    [Withdrawn] The Frontier Act Repeal Bill

    I would agree with some of the other posters - just because we're not using it now doesn't mean it should be removed from the law books when, if it arises in the future, we'd just have to put it back in again. To me, this seems more of a kneejerk response against The Wellspring in particular...
  9. Sanctaria

    Reopened Voting: September 2024 Delegate Election

    Delegate: 1. <Picairn> 2. <Pallaith > 3. <Dreadton> 4. <Blue Wolf II>
  10. Sanctaria

    Voting: September 2024 General Election

    Delegate: < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes > Vice Delegate: < Sil Dorsett > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes >
  11. Sanctaria

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2024 General Election

    I second the nomination of @Simone for Delegate
  12. Sanctaria

    TNP, Inc.

    Weird, my laptop tells me it is July, not April.